Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice: Condemn Israel’s Assault on Gaza

Resolution: Condemn Israel’s Assault on Gaza

Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice

The Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice unreservedly condemns the murderous Israeli military assault on Gaza, their deliberate targeting of the civilian population of Gaza, and Israel’s ongoing collective punishment of the Palestinian people – in violation of the U.N. Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – and carried out with the strong support of the U.S. government.

The Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice calls for an immediate cutoff of all U.S. aid to Israel, in compliance with the U.S. Military Assistance Act of 1968, which forbids military assistance to any nation guilty of “gross violations of internationally recognized human rights.”

The Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice endorses the international campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel.

Resolution unanimously adopted by the Labor Committee at its regular monthly meeting, held in Oakland, California on January 4, 2009.

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