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March 20, 2024

On March 7th, the Israeli military bombed the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU) headquarters in Gaza City. The PGFTU headquarters housed crucial services, including a kindergarten for 380 children and a bakery serving many families. This was the third time these headquarters faced such destruction, with previous attacks during Israel’s 2014 bombardment of Gaza.

In addition to the main building, three PGFTU branches in the Al-Rimal neighbourhood and Yarmouk Street were also destroyed. This assault targeted more than just buildings—it struck at the very livelihoods and rights of Palestinian workers. Yet, Palestinian workers remain unwavering, we will persevere in our fight for justice and dignity.

As we prepare to mark Palestinian Land Day onMarch 30, and the anniversary of the 2018 Great March of Return, we continue to urge trade unions and workers worldwide to stand with us. We ask all people of conscience to end complicity with Israel’s crimes, starting with an immediate halt to the arms trade.

Land Day and the Great March of Return commemorations both hold profound significance for our people, serving as reminders of our enduring struggle for justice and the realisation of our inalienable rights. In the face of Israel’s genocide and attempts to ethnically cleanse Gaza, it is imperative to reaffirm the centrality of the right of return for allPalestinians. The majority of Palestinians, including those in Gaza, are refugees whose right to return to their original homes remains the core of the Palestinian struggle.

As we prepare to observe these commemorations, we are confronted with the harrowing situation in Gaza. Israel’s ceaseless bombardment and deliberate tactics of starvation expose the genocidal nature of its aggression, but also inflict the harshest consequences on workers. The forced evacuation of Palestinians from Gaza’s northern region, alongside indiscriminate attacks on evacuees and vital infrastructure are a clear attempt at ethnic cleansing, a continuation of the Nakba of 1948.

We note the statements and actions from the global trade union movement in response to the initial Palestinian trade unions call inOctober, and we salute all those who have stood with the people of Palestine. These gestures of solidarity, in both words and actions, are a continuation of the great tradition of trade union internationalism. However, more must be done: on Land Day we urge an escalation in actions to end the genocide. It is imperative that we target not only the sale and funding of arms to Israel, but also the transportation of these weapons and other key materials used by the Israeli military in enforcing its brutal and illegal siege.

We call on workers and trade unions worldwide to mobilise for Land Day 2024 by:

●      Refusing to participate in the production and transportation of arms destined to or from Israel. By disrupting the logistics of Israel’s military operations, we can impede its ability to carry out further violence against our people.

●      Confronting government complicity in perpetuating Israel’s aggression. This includes challenging the issuance of licenses for arms sales, protesting at defence and foreign ministries. Governments must be held accountable for their role in facilitating Israel’s genocide.

●      Escalating all effective trade union actions – passing motions, taking action in your workplace, organising education sessions, and building networks.

Despite the horror of Israel’s genocide and its daily crimes against Palestinians, we cannot despair or divert our attention. Instead, to mark this historic day for the people of Palestine in our struggle for liberation, let us renew our commitment to stand united as workers against injustice.


Workers in Palestine has produced numerous resources to support trade union mobilisation, including:

●      A Guidance Sheet forTrade Unionists on Building Solidarity with Palestine

●      An activist guide on Lessons Organising withTrade Unions to Build Solidarity Actions

●      Disrupting ZIM: A Guide for Research and Planning for Strategic Action

●      An information sheet on Who Arms Israel? and Who is Providing Israel with New Weapons to Sustain the Bombardment of Gaza?

Contact us to pass on news from your union and to coordinate your actions:

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