We are Green 4 Falasteen (AFSCME Members)

Original online here.

We are Green 4 Falasteen, a group of AFSCME rank-and-file members and staffers organizing nationally to demand that AFSCME support an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and call for an end to the ongoing genocidal occupation.

We stand in solidarity with Palestinian workers and disavow our union leadership’s complicity in imperialism, apartheid, and genocide in Gaza.

AFSCME’s involvement in anti-war campaigns is nothing new. In the late 1960s, AFSCME president Jerry Wurf heeded the rank-and-file’s calls to oppose the Vietnam War. In 1984, AFSCME president Gerald McEntee was arrested for protesting the apartheid in South Africa, outside the South African embassy in Washington, DC. In 1986 and 1990, AFSCME passed multiple resolutions condemning apartheid in South Africa.

Where is our solidarity now? What happened to “An injury to one is an injury to all”?

If you are an AFSCME member or staffer and want to get involved, fill out the interest form linked in our bio! Together, we can fight for an AFSCME that lives up to its legacy, and stands on the right side of history once again.

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