From the River to the Sea: UAW Labor for Palestine @Socialism 2024
Presented on August 30, 2024
This panel examines working class support for Palestine, from the League of Revolutionary Black Workers’ stance in 1969, Arab-led autoworker strikes in 1973, Labor for Palestine since 2004, Block the Boat/ILWU since 2014, to mushrooming rank-and-file solidarity with Palestinian trade unions since 2023, including UAW 2325’s ongoing resistance to a congressional witch hunt and demands to end UAW complicity with Zionism.
Moderator: Sarah Jaffe
Sarah Jaffe is the author of Work Won’t Love You Back: How Devotion To Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone; Necessary Trouble: Americans in Revolt, and the forthcoming From the Ashes: Grief and Revolution in a World on Fire, all from Bold Type Books.
Sherena Razek
Sherena Razek is president of the Graduate Labor Organization at Brown, co-founder of the Palestine Solidarity Caucus of AFT/RIFT Local 6516, and works with the Labor for Palestine National Network.
Michael Letwin
Michael Letwin is a public defender, former president of the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys-UAW 2235, a co-founder of Labor for Palestine, and a member of UAW Labor for Palestine and NYC Labor for Palestine.
Marcelina Pedraza
Marcelina Pedraza is an electrician at Ford Chicago Assembly Plant in Chicago, a member of UAW local 551 and UAW Labor for Palestine, and Labor & Climate Advisor for the Southeast Environmental Task Force.
Shahinaz Geneid
Shahinaz Geneid is a member of GENU-UAW, HAW-UAW, and UAW Labor for Palestine; an organizing fellow with the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights; and an international human rights lawyer and social scientist drawing on her lived experience as an Egyptian-American.