UAW Labor for Palestine Solidarity With UAW 4811 Strikers Against Illegal Court Order
June 11, 2024
UAW Labor for Palestine reaffirms our solidarity with UAW 4811 members facing a Temporary Restraining Order issued in Orange County Superior Court on June 7, 2024 designed to stop their union’s Unfair Labor Practice strike, which protests University of California complicity with US-backed Israeli genocide in Palestine.
This blatantly illegal TRO reflects a well-funded campaign by Zionists and corporate union busters to silence mushrooming worker solidarity with Palestine to that genocide by crushing hard-won labor rights. A similar attack—including a congressional witch-hunt—has failed to silence UAW 2325 members who honored their union’s social justice tradition by overwhelmingly adopting a Palestine solidarity resolution last November.
The UC Gaza Solidarity Encampment and 4811 ULP strike honor the similarly heroic tradition of the Free Speech Movement, the Vietnam antiwar movement, People’s Park, the movement to divest from apartheid South Africa, and so many other social justice movements during the past six decades—all of which withstood similar attacks from UC Regents beholden to Democratic and Republican politicians and their corporate masters. UAW 4811’s predecessors didn’t capitulate, and neither will they.
We are inspired by rank-and-file UAW 4811 members who have been on strike across the state, and urge all of labor to join them in respecting Palestinian trade union picket line to end all complicity and stop arming Israel and fighting the assault on labor rights at home.