UCLA IS READY TO STAND UP! UAW 4811 must maximize pressure and leverage during this strike, including by utilizing UCLA’s strike power immediately. Gene Block is on trial NOW. Our people are being arrested and injured for their actions NOW. Rafah is being invaded NOW. UCLA is STRIKE READY NOW.
For weeks, we have been protesting in and outside the encampment, facing down Zionists, fascists, and cops. We’ve been organizing with our departments and holding people’s assemblies. We are attending the People’s University and coordinating our struggle with the UC Divest Coalition, Students for Justice in Palestine, and other unionized workers at UCLA. We will continue to act this week and for however long it takes. If our union is serious about causing “maximum disruption and chaos,” UCLA must be called to withhold our labor and conduct strategic pickets NOW. Our numbers are growing; faculty and undergraduates are standing with us. UCLA has never been more mobilized. Our strike has been sanctioned by the California Federation of Labor, and many faculty have committed not to retaliate or pick up our struck work. Failing to immediately leverage UCLA’s strike readiness will only undercut our power to fight the UC and force it to meet our demands for divestment, disclosure, amnesty, cops off campus, and more.
Our rank-and-file caucus will be sharing actions for this week on our social media, and we encourage all UCLA-UAW 4811 members to reach out and get involved! UAW 4811 might be calling us next, but WE ARE ACTING NOW.
All members of 4811 should be preparing NOW to wind down teaching and withhold their grades and research deliverables—including in the labs and initiatives that receive millions in Department of Defense funding, directly contributing to apartheid and genocide. Our actions must not be delayed, tempered, or symbolic. We affirm our strike readiness by taking action NOW.