Ask Delegates to Vote YES on Thursday This Thurs, May 23, the PSC Delegate Assembly plans to vote on a resolution supporting the student encampment and calling on CUNY to divest from Israel and boycott Israeli academic institutions (this resolution will be introduced as an amendment by substitution to replace the previous resolution submitted prior to the CCNY Gaza Solidarity Encampment). Delegates opposed to the resolution have made these arguments in the DA listserv: The student protest movement is “antisemitic” Only a minority of students and members support divestment from IsraelThe resolution is divisive and will weaken our unionPushing for BDS will destroy our contract campaign Some of these arguments are made in good faith, and some in bad. A few delegates who claim to strongly oppose the assault on Gaza and support Palestinian liberation and self-determination believe that this resolution is “unstrategic” at this moment. But we know that, as MLK Jr. wrote, “Justice too long delayed is justice denied.” We need to follow the national student movement, as well as recent victories at The New School and Sonoma State University in taking an unequivocal stand in our opposition to genocide. Currently, UAW workers at US Santa Cruz are on strike following massive police repression of student encampments. Please contact your delegates and urge them to vote yes on this crucial resolution, which will allow us to join the growing labor movement in solidarity with the Palestinian people, from boycotts and pickets in South Africa, Italy, and the UK to the BDS resolutions adopted by educational unions in the US, including the Seattle Education Association (SEA) and the United Educators of San Francisco. Additionally, all PSC members are welcome to attend the monthly PSC Delegate Assemblies. If possible, please attend this Thursday’s meeting, which runs from 6:30-9:00 PM on 5/23 at 25 Broadway, 15th floor. Sign up here. There will also be an important bargaining update from PSC president James Davis (members have not received official updates on negotiations in almost a month; meanwhile, adjunct 3-year appointments have expired without renewal). “Bread & butter” issues go hand-in-hand with social justice issues so at this meeting we look forward to building a stronger union by tackling both together. Further resources: Resolution text: http://tiny.cc/May23Resolution Public contact Info for PSC Delegates: http://tiny.cc/FindMyDelegate Extensive FAQ on Resolution: http://tiny.cc/DAResFAQ On PACBI as a Defense of Academic Freedom, by Tony Alessandrini, Chair of the PSC Academic Freedom Committee: http://tiny.cc/BDSAcademicFreedom Email and Text Templates Donate to RAFA! Rank and File Action (RAFA) is a volunteer- run group of militant rank & file activists at CUNY challenging the culture of austerity in higher education and demanding a more democratic fighting union. We aren’t funded, and no one pulls a salary. Every dollar given will support the work Rank and File Action. Communications are our main cost – our mass email service, printing materials for distribution and the occasional shirts and buttons to help spread the word. Thank you for anything that you’re able to give!You received this email because you subscribed to our list. You can unsubscribe at any time. 365 5th Avenue CUNY Graduate Center New York 10016 United States of America |