Protest the ongoing killing of healthcare workers and destruction of hospitals in Gaza.
Sunday, January 12, SUN 11AM
Teaneck Municipal Green 818 Teaneck Road at Cedar Lane, Teaneck, NJ 07666
More info: TeaneckforPalestine@proton.me
We invite all healthcare workers and organizations to endorse our rally and support the fight against the violence targeting healthcare workers in Gaza. Speakers: – Registered Nurse Rohaan Gill, who has gone on a medical mission to Gaza in spring of 2024 – Palestinian American activist Wassim Kanaan, chair of American Muslims for Palestine NJ – Dr. Amal Al-Shrouf, President of the National Arab American Medical Association’s NJ chapter – Arab American Surgical Technologist Rawan Syrias
Endorsed by: Teaneck for Palestine + Doctors Against Genocide + Healthcare Workers for Palestine + Palestinian American Community Center + Labor for Palestine + PAL-Awda NY/NJ + American Muslims for Palestine – NJ Chapter + Within Our Lifetime + National Arab American Medical Association
On October 17, 2023, the z10ni$t entity targeted Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza, killing hundreds and damaging the hospital. At the time, following global outrage, the occupation sought to blame the attack on the r3s!st@nce, and when that didn’t work, they claimed it was a “misfire”. After seeing the muted global response to its attack on a hospital, the z1oni$t occupation has since then embarked on an intentional annihilation and mass-murdering campaign, specifically targeting Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure.
We are urging communities in the NJ/NY area to answer the calls of the steadfast healthcare workers in Gaza, like Dr. Husam Abu Safiya, chief of Kamal Adwan Hospital, who was abducted by occupational forces on Saturday, December 28th of 2024.
We call on all healthcare workers to show up in support of their peers on the front lines in Gaza. The destruction of Gaza’s hospitals and healthcare system as a whole should horrify everyone, and especially our community members who work in this field and understand intimately how bewildering and outrageous it is for ANYONE to target a hospital.
A short 5 years ago, Teaneck became the first in the country to declare a lockdown and quarantine in response to the c0vid-19 pand3m!c. Holy Name Hospital in the heart of our town underwent drastic changes to respond to the sudden spike in c0vi!d cases. What would our town, our state, or country look like if during our most vulnerable times, we were being bombarded by a g3n0cidal military that disregards international law?
Dress warmly, bring your flags, kaffiyehs, signs, and noise makers. Make your voices heard.
We demand Dr. Husam Abu Safiya’s release.
We demand the release of all healthcare workers abducted by the occupation.
We demand a STOP to airstrikes on hospitals.
We demand our community show up for the people of Palestine. They are watching and they can hear us. SHOW UP! Join us this Sunday at 11:30 AM on the Teaneck Municipal Green to demand an end to this bloodshed.
If you’re a healthcare worker who’d like to participate in this action, send an email to teaneckforpalestine@proton.me