On Labor Day (originated by President Cleveland in 1894 as a captured alternative to May Day), Labor for Palestine in NYC offers a renewed vision of international solidarity as the mission of the labor movement. Senator Schumer is heckled—not enough—as he buddies up to labor, spreading joy with genocide. @Labor4Palestine
0:04in June we became the first New York
0:07City public sector Union to endorse the
0:09divestment of our Pension funds from
0:38why do so many of our unions shut down
0:42conversations when it comes to
0:44palestin why can’t our Union commit to
0:48divestment from
0:54israelies these injuries these deaths
0:57are all funded by our tax dollars and
0:59they by our politicians enabled by our
1:02labor ignored by our Union leadership
1:05and supported by our elected officials
1:07despite the majority of Americans
1:09supporting an immediate Hal of weapons
1:11transfers Biden Harris and Trump have
1:14pledged continual unconditional military
1:17support for the iof in defiance of
1:19international and US
1:23law all of us actors filmmakers crew
1:27creators artists have a resp
1:29responsibility to show the world as it
1:31is as it was and as it could be they try
1:35to silence us to keep us from speaking
1:37out against the genocide they try to
1:40silence us to keep us from speaking out
1:42for free Palestine too many of our
1:46unions are blocking our ability to have
1:49Democratic votes about what to do with
1:51our Pension funds and that is
1:56wrong one of
1:58theable world
2:10you’re paid off by APAC you’re paid off
2:15APAC Microsoft Amazon Google and meta
2:20these companies build tools of
2:22suppression surveillance and violence to
2:25support Israel and their genocide of the
2:27Palestinian people so in turn it is our
2:30Mo moral obligation as Tech workers to
2:33do all we can to stop this by refusing
2:36to allow our labor to be exploited for
2:38genocide from the 1936 Palestinian
2:41Revolt through today Palestinian workers
2:43have resisted Zionist expropriation with
2:46demonstrations strikes and arms the UAW
2:50along with six other unions has called
2:51for a ceasefire and arms embargo today
2:54we will proudly carry our message of
2:55international solidarity on a day meant
2:58to suppress it
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