Tell The New School: We Want Divestment! (TNS for Palestine)

Original online here and here.

Tell The New School: We Want Divestment!

The New School University community has shown overwhelmingly where it stands on the issue of divestment. All three University Senates have passed divestment resolutions and both student worker unions voted overwhelmingly in favor of divestment and supporting the demands of the Gaza Solidarity Encampments.

The Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees has agreed to a vote on divestment by June 14th

It is imperative we remind them of our expectation that they will uphold the democratic will of our community, and live up to the progressive legacy of this institution. We call on members of our community: students, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni to use this campaign to let the administration know: We will not stop, we will not rest.

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