Max Vast, President and one of the delegates for AFSCME Local 3800, Council 5, shares their thoughts on why they intend to vote in favor of G4F’s resolution on the convention floor:
“My teenage son is Palestinian, and the past 9 months have rocked my household to its core. This is an issue I have cared about for nearly two decades, and what is happening now is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.
As a labor activist, I believe that injuries to anyone anywhere are injuries to all of us. As we build power in our workplaces, it is our responsibility to use that power and organizing to not only fight for better wages and conditions, but also for collective global liberation!
This resolution would put the weight of AFSCME on the path toward justice.”
As a reminder, you too can submit a testimonial regarding your support! Head to our bio for the link. You don’t have to be a delegate to do so, just an AFSCME member! 💚