UAW 2865 BDS Vote Materials

uaw local 2865UAW 2865 BDS Vote Materials

At the October JC meeting, the assembly voted 40-0-7 to poll the Local membership on Dec. 4, 2014, regarding whether to support the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement.

Further information regarding this ballot can be found here.

Campuses are also offering a variety of educational opportunities to the membership about the issue. Local campuses are implementing processes to approve and advertise these events. Use the “Our Campuses” links at the top of the page to connect with your campus leadership.

The final text of the ballot was amended during the meeting and can be found here.

There were also a number of other proposals that were passed at the meeting, including:

* Adopt BDS FAQ Page
* Adopt Academic Boycott Fact Sheet
* Adopt Labor Movement Statement
* Equal representation of perspectives on the BDS proposal.
* Event Funding for Education on BDS.

All proposals that were presented are available to view in draft form here.

Members are welcome to submit further commentary regarding the proposals, which will be made publicly available within our commentary folder. To submit a comment, you can email or use our submission form. Note that while we appreciate commentary from the public, only submissions from members (which do not include discriminatory or hate speech) will be posted.

Here is a link to an independent, non-Union website of members expressing political opinions opposed to the Union’s stated positions.

Comments are closed.