Palestine is a Labor Issue (Comrades Education)[Sophia Elena Gurulé and Michael Letwin]

Instagram post here.

Michael Letwin of @laborforpalestine breaking down how “just like every other injury, an injury to Palestine is an injury to all!” Sophia Elena Gurulé of @uawlaborforpalestine will be building on this analysis & sharing about the solidarity struggle of the labor movement in support of a free Palestine in the fourth session of our ongoing “Study & Action for Palestine Course.” You don’t want to miss her!

Register for the course at the link in bio or at

Late registration runs through April 4th. The second live session will be held March 30th. Sign up today!

Other guest teachers include: @nouraerakat @ahmadabuznaid @huwaida.arraf
@sumayaawad … and more!

Cosponsors: @uscpr @jewishvoiceforpeace @adalahjusticeproject
@showingupforracialjustice @_catalystproject_@highlandercenter

Facilitators: Chris Crass @chrisforliberation & Eleanor Hancock of

Link in bio and on homepage for
full details & registration.

#freepalestine #gaza #westbank #palestine #palestine🇵🇸
#settlercolonialism #apartheidisrael #imperialism #fascism

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