Monthly Archives: May 2024

UAW Labor for Palestine Stands in Solidarity with UAW 4811 Strike for Palestine and Endorses SJP Call to Immediately Expand the Strike to All UC Campuses

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UAW Labor for Palestine Stands in Solidarity with UAW 4811 Strike for Palestine and Endorses SJP Call to Immediately Expand the Strike to All UC Campuses
May 26, 2024

UAW Labor for Palestine affirms the strike action UAW 4811 leadership has taken thus far and stands in solidarity with workers who are prepared to take immediate action across UC in pursuit of an end to genocide and a free Palestine.

We endorse the statement issued by all Students for Justice in Palestine chapters at UC calling on UAW 4811, which represents 48,000 academic workers, to “immediately call a strike at all University of California campuses,” as urged by UAW 4811 rank-and-file (here and here), and consistent with the urgent call from PGFTU-Gaza.

Such an official strike call would offer protection for workers who are demanding that UC disclose its investments in and divest from the war machine and companies that profit off of the occupation and genocide of Palestine.

With SJP, we further support the expanded strike demands democratically endorsed by the UCLA rank-and-file assembly, which includes the demand to demilitarize UC, echoing widespread calls for cops off campus. As stated in the SJP resolution, “UAW 4811 leadership must support the demands of their rank-and-file workers and the broader grassroots movement for liberation… Winning [these] demands requires immediate strike action.”