Monthly Archives: March 2006

Resolution Opposing HR 4681 (San Francisco Labor Council)

Resolution Opposing HR 4681

Whereas, House Resolution 4681, introduced after the recent Palestinian legislative election which resulted in a Hamas victory, goes far beyond reiterating the current U.S. ban on direct assistance to the Palestinian Authority; it also calls for many troubling provisions that would punish and isolate the Palestinian people for exercising their right to vote. The provisions include restricting U.S. humanitarian aid; designating Palestinian territory as a “terrorist sanctuary” thus triggering restrictions on U.S. exports; prohibiting official Palestinian diplomacy or representation in the United States in a way counter-productive to promoting dialogue and a just peace; reducing U.S. dues to the United Nations because some of its bodies were created by the UN to advocate for Palestinian human rights; and denying Palestinians the ability to receive assistance through international financial institutions,

Therefore be it Resolved that the San Francisco Labor Council, as an organization of conscience dedicated to promoting justice, joins other progressive forces in opposing HR 4681, and will send a letter urging our congressional representatives to vote NO on this draconian and counter-productive measure.

Submitted by Francesca Rosa, SEIU 535, and adopted by the San Francisco Labor Council on March 13, 2006.
Tim Paulson
Executive Director