UC Investment Portfolio Divestment
Resolution to the 2024 ASE Bargaining Convention, UAW 4811
Workplace Rights and Benefits
Authors: Faith Bennett (UCD), Ethan Custodio (UCM), Connor Luellen (UCB)
Issue Summary: Through our labor and retirement fund contributions, Academic Student Employees are harmed by and implicated in the UC’s practice of investing billions of dollars in weapons manufacturing and other industries that support and benefit from war crimes and systematic violations of human rights.
WHEREAS under the current contract, ASEs are eligible for membership in the retirement savings program (UCRSP), which consists of multiple contribution plans, each of which states that “the provisions of [this] Plan are subject to collective bargaining for represented employees”.
WHEREAS under the current contract, the UC is obliged “not [to] discriminate against…any ASE on the basis of race, national origin, ancestry [or] ethnicity” (Article 21) and maintain a work environment “free of…pervasive conduct in the workplace that denies, adversely limits, or interferes with an employee’s participation in or benefit from University employment” (Article 25).
WHEREAS the aforementioned investments, and their influence on ASEs’ work environment and opportunities therein, constitute acute, discriminatory harm or moral injury to affected workers, particularly Palestinian and Arab workers, in violation of our current contract.
WHEREAS negotiating for UC’s divestment from the aforementioned industries aligns with our union’s commitment to stand with the oppressed and working classes around the world. Moreover, divestment of the endowment as well as all retirement funds would constitute bargaining for the common good, as it would shift our employer’s investments away from these industries and combat the contemporary tendency of American universities to seek exponential asset growth over the well-being of students, staff, faculty, and community members.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, we commit to prioritizing the severance of all financial ties with entities that support or profit from the violation of international human rights law by demanding in 2025 ASE Bargaining that the UC:
- Both liquidate its current holdings in weapons manufacturers, military contractors, and other companies profiting from Israel’s illegal occupation of and war on Palestine and neighboring territories, and implement a ban on any further such investments, including holdings through the endowment—the General Endowment Pool (GEP) and the Blue and Gold Pool—and the retirement funds—the retirement plan (UCRP) and retirement savings plan (UCRSP).
- Create a custom fund(s) that meets the above stipulations and establish that fund as the default investment option for UCRSP and UCRP.
- Publicly disclose its full investment portfolio through a publicly accessible, detailed, and regularly updated database.
- Establish a new policy whereby UC campus foundations seeking to invest in the General Endowment Pool must first disclose their holdings and donation history and commit to the above stipulations concerning divestment.
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