Monthly Archives: October 2016

Labor for Palestine endorses Oct. 29-30 Labor for Standing Rock mobilization


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Labor for Palestine endorses Labor for Standing Rock mobilization!



“We at Oceti Sakowin Camp welcome any and all support from our Union brothers and sisters. This camp stands to protect our sacred water and support a new energy paradigm, jobs and work in green energy fields. We welcome your support in any ways you feel appropriate, join us in paving a new road to a sustainable future for many future generations.” –Message from Standing Rock Council to Labor for Standing Rock, 10/13/26.

In response to calls from Standing Rock, please join a coordinated labor mobilization on the weekend of October 29-30!

Further information is below.


The First Nation’s courageous fight taking place against the Dakota Access Pipeline has ignited a world’s attention. This struggle has become most focused at the water protector’s camp located within the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. It contrasts an inherently dangerous project of the fossil fuel industry with the protection of the local and global environment, Native American sovereignty, and the necessity of a sustainable world.

For our sisters and brothers within the unions and the entire working class, the conflict becomes one of dangerous, fleeting employment that will inevitably destroy our planet, and the possibility of full employment to build safe energy and prosperity for all.

With this is mind we recognize that the recent resolution of the AFL-CIO leadership in support of the Dakota Access pipeline is inherently misguided, and in conflict with First Nations, our common environment, and the interests of people worldwide. In addition, the use of force against the people at Standing Rock mirrors the very attacks we have endured through our own history of building our unions.

At the same time, solidarity with Standing Rock has been voiced by growing number of labor bodies, including:

Amalgamated Transit Union

American Federation of Teachers Local 2121 — City College of San Francisco Faculty Union

Border Agricultural Workers

California Faculty Association

Communications Workers of America

Industrial Workers of the World

IWW Environmental Unionism Caucus

Labor Coalition for Community Action (A. Phillip Randolph Institute, the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, the Coalition of Labor Union Women, the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, and Pride at Work)

Labor for Palestine

National Nurses United

New York State Nurses Association

National Writers Union/UAW Local 1981

Service Employees International Union

United Electrical Workers


To escalate this growing solidarity, we call on workers everywhere join us for actions on the weekend of October 29-30, 2016, including the following activities:

At Standing Rock:

• Assemble at Standing Rock camp for a labor procession and entranceSaturday, October 22, 10am

• Mid-day lunch gathering to share information on the status and location of pipeline work

• Afternoon actions (picket lines, flyering of pipeline workers etc.)

• Rally back to Standing Rock camp Saturday night for music, discussion, and cultural exchange

Sunday, October 23 – Possible morning actions, people depart during the day to make it home for Monday work


• Post individual or group solidarity selfies of picket signs with labor affiliation, location, and common tagline: #LaborForStandingRock

• Hold local labor solidarity events

With the future of the environment, the rights of First Nations, and the health of the working class at stake, these subsequent actions will help regenerate a labor movement based on the vision of a just, sustainable, and prosperous world for all.

Please join us.
