Monthly Archives: July 2014

As bombs fall on Gaza, take action: Endorse the academic and cultural boycott of Israel

As bombs fall on Gaza, take action: Endorse the academic and cultural boycott of Israel
USACBI, July 15, 2014

Once again, Israel has launched a massive bombing campaign,  killing and injuring hundreds of innocent Palestinian men, women and children in Gaza, while viciously racist mobs incited by the government and religious leaders have gone on a violent rampage in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Israel’s most recent military assault on Gaza, a densely-populated besieged area, where children make up over 50% of the population, is not an act of “defense,” but an act of collective punishment, which is a war crime. The bombing comes on the heels of the vicious torture and murder of 16 year-old Palestinian Muhammad Abu Khdeir, who was burned alive by Israeli nationalists in Jerusalem.

The international community is enraged. The brutality and violence of the genocidal war by Israel against Palestinians must stop.  Now is the time to act.  The call for global solidarity with the Palestinian people, in the form of a comprehensive boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) on Israel until it comply with international law, allows for effective solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle for justice, dignity, and equality.

If you haven’t already done so, please endorse the United States Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel.  Join more than 1,500 academic, artists and cultural workers who have said no to Israeli apartheid and settler-colonialism, and no to Israeli state violence. If you’ve already joined, please share this plea with your friends and networks.

You can sign your support at the USACBI website here:

You can also make a tax-deductible donation to support our volunteer efforts.  Please give anything you can, however small by donating here:

Below is a statement published in The Nation on July 10  by the USACBI Organizing Collective demonstrating why the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions Movement against Israel, of which USACBI  is one arm, is critical to educating the world about Israeli crimes and stopping them:

Thank you for your support.


USACBI Organizing Collective
