The Writing on the Wall: A Forum on the International Court Decision Against Israel’s Wall

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The Writing on the Wall:
A Forum on the International Court Decision Against Israel’s Wall

Monday August 9th, 6:30 PM

Location: The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center

3rd Floor Auditorium
208 West 13th Street btwn 7th Ave and Greenwich Ave
Subway: 1/9 or 2/3 to 14th Street


Norman Finkelstein
DePaul Univ Professor and author of The Holocaust Industry
Michael Tarazi
Legal advisor to the PLO
Rebekah Wolf
Jews Against the Occupation (JATO)

Now that the International Court of Justice has declared Israel’s wall illegal, what next?

In a near unanimous decision (14-1), the ICJ has declared that “the construction of the wall being built by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem, and its associated régime, are contrary to international law.”

This forum will explain what the ICJ decision encompasses, American Judge Buergenthal’s declaration, how it compares to the Israeli High Court’s decision and the US-Israeli refusal to accept world opinion. We will also discuss the legal consequences for Israel and ways to carry the decision into concrete justice for Palestine so that both Palestinians and Israelis can live in peace and friendship.

Israel’s wall cuts deep into the heart of the Occupied Territories swallowing up large swaths of land and entire Palestinian villages. It has kept children from schools, the sick from hospitals and it continues to strangle the Palestinian economy. Palestinians
are resisting, and on July 30th, Palestinian, Israeli, and international activists will begin a historic 3 week Freedom March against the Apartheid Wall from Jenin to Jerusalem.

International opinion is with them. Following the ICJ decision, the United Nations General Assembly overwhelmingly voted 150-6 with 10 abstentions in support of the ICJ decision. Israel however, continues to refuse the applicability of international law bolstered by the US which passed a House of Representatives resolution 361-45 with 14 abstentions deploring the ICJ decision.

World opinion is clear. Now it’s up to us to act in solidarity with Palestinian resistance and make Israel and the US see the writing on the wall.

This forum is the second in a series organised by the Palestine Activist Forum of NY (PAFNY) and Vets for Peace. It is organised in support of and in solidarity with the Palestine Freedom March.

Endorsements: International Socialist Organization (ISO), New York City Labor Against the War (NYCLAW), Campus Anti-War Netwwork-NYC (CAN)

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