MICHIGAN! 🚨 Join us in demanding that the Michigan Investment Board divest from over $11 million in Isr@el bonds!
Attend the next State Investment Board meeting and tell them that Michigan residents, teachers, public employees and retirees refuse to see our retirements and taxes fund apartheid and g3nocide!
When: Tuesday, 12/17 at 9:30 am
Where: 2501 Coolidge Rd. Suite 400, Great Lakes Conference Rm., 4th floor. East Lansing
Pack the room—Wear a keffiyeh or something visible to show your support!
🗣️ Speak during public comment!
💻 Can’t travel to Lansing? Attend virtually (see slide 5)
✍️ Are you a public employee, teacher or retiree? Sign the Michigan Divest petition calling on the Board to BREAK THE BONDS! (Link in bio)
Share widely.