Sign-onto this open letter:
UAW Members Unions and Community Organizations Community Members
Dear UAW International and Fellow Unionists,
We, rank-and-file members of the UAW and allied community members/organizations, stand unequivocally in solidarity with the Palestinian people. Following the call by Palestinian Trade Unionists to end complicity in their oppression, we call upon workers everywhere, our union leadership, and the UAW International to demand an immediate end to Israel’s brutal siege and bombardment of Gaza and all military funding going toward Israel.
We watch with horror as the U.S. sends American troops to assist in an Israeli ground invasion of Gaza. We mourn the loss of civilian life. We categorically reject U.S. support of the murderous Israeli regime in its ongoing genocide of Palestinians, which has killed over 7,000 people and injured 16,000 more in airstrikes since October 7, and has cut off water, food, and power to Gaza’s population. We stand in solidarity with Palestinian workers who have renewed their call for academic institutions and unions worldwide to stand with the Palestinian people.
We call on the UAW to endorse and implement the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) call from Palestinian civil society, which urges nonviolent pressure on Israel until it “meets its obligation to recognize the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and fully complies with the precepts of international law by:
- Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall
- Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
- Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.”
Historically, the U.S. labor movement has failed the Palestinian people. For instance, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) advocated for and helped finance the construction of Zionist settlements, directly contributing to the displacement of Palestinians. It is a moral imperative for us to acknowledge this history and push the labor movement to act on the side of Palestinian liberation. Advocating for a BDS resolution is also directly tied to our material interests; workers in the U.S. are struggling against many of the same capitalist forces that maintain and bolster the Israeli occupation of Palestine. These forces rely on racialized exploitation, dispossession, and policing in the United States and around the world. As argued by the League of Revolutionary Black Workers and Arab Workers Caucus of the UAW, a global class of workers will not achieve liberation if fragmented by colonization, apartheid, and borders. These are the structures on which an ascendant global fascist movement is shoring up white supremacy, nativism, militarism, heteropatriarchy, and other tools of oppression to further divide us. No longer will we stand for investments that aid in the genocide of Palestinians.
As members of the labor movement, we call on U.S. labor unions to cut all ties with Israeli unions. We call on the AFL-CIO to terminate its relationship with the Israeli Histadrut. We additionally call on U.S. unions and our employers to divest from Israeli bonds and from the military, extractive, and technological industries connected with the Israeli occupation and U.S. imperialism. Furthermore, we demand that the UAW International and AFL-CIO immediately convey to the United States government a demand to halt all aid and military support to Israel. Failure to do so amounts to organized labor’s complicity with, and support for, the ongoing genocide.
We further demand that the UAW and our locals protect workers who engage in pro-Palestine speech and advocacy—particularly Palestinian, Muslim, and Arab workers—from doxxing, surveillance, and repression within the workplace. Additionally, the UAW must not overturn democratic decisions made by the rank-and-file, as it did when UAW 2865, UAW 2322, and GSOC-UAW 2110 voted to support BDS in solidarity with the Palestinian people in 2014 and 2016, respectively.
As unionists, we must always stand on the side of justice, both in word and in deed. In light of Israel’s recent intensification of attacks on Palestine as well as the past 75 years of Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people, we stand firmly in solidarity with the struggle for Palestinian liberation. Already, UAW members have spoken out, joined marches, and walked out in support of Palestinian liberation. We will continue fighting for the liberation of the Palestinian people and we commit to taking direct action against the occupation in the coming weeks, including educating our colleagues on the occupation, disrupting the military industrial complex, standing with anyone in our workplaces facing retaliation for their activism around Palestinian liberation, and, if necessary, striking in our workplaces.
Until Liberation and Return,
Anila Gill, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Peter Gaughan, UAW 2320 — NOLSW – Staff Association |
Benjamin Kersten, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Rachel Hoerger, UAW 2320 — NOLSW-BALAW |
Raj Chaklashiya, UAW 2865 — Santa Barbara |
Daniel Kim , UAW 2325 — Bronx defenders |
Martha Grevatt, UAW 869 |
Asil Yassine , UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Ary Smith, UAW 2320 — NULAW |
Pooja Patel, UAW 2335 — CAMBA Legal Services Workers United |
Austin D Bowes, UAW 2110 — New Museum of Contemporary Art |
Hazem Jamjoum, UAW 2010 — NYU-GSOC |
Michael Letwin, Former President, UAW Local 2325; Labor for Palestine |
Christopher Viola, UAW 22 |
Isaac Stokka, UAW 2320 — NOLSW |
Jasmin Tabatabaee, UAW 2110 — New Museum of Contemporary Art |
Miriam Schachter , UAW 2325 — ALAA |
Jessica Coffrin-St. Julien, UAW 2325 — Bronx Defenders Union |
Muhammad Yousuf, UAW 2865 — San Diego |
Ron Lare, UAW 600 |
Aparna Gopalan, UAW 5118 |
Dylan Kupsh, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Michael Gradess, UAW 2325 — The Bronx Defenders Union |
Daria Reaven , UAW 2110 — NYU GSOC |
Lavanya Nott, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Matthew Ehrlich, UAW 2865 — UC San Diego |
Ruiyang Zhang, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Ricky Sanchez, UAW 5118 — HGSU-UAW |
Madeline Weisburg, UAW 2110 — New Museum |
Bailey Thomas, UAW 2325 — CAMBA legal Service workers united |
Jessica Jiang, UAW 2865 — Berkeley |
Patricia Manos, UAW 5118 — HGSU-UAW |
Jeppe Ugelvig, UAW 2865 — UCSC |
Jared Sacks, UAW 2710 — Student Workers of Columbia |
Cristian Avila, UAW 2320 — NOLSW |
Benjamin Gaillard-Garrido, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Nirvana Shahriar, UAW 2865 — Santa Barbara |
Hazem Fahmy, UAW 2710 |
Nico Grace, UAW 7902 — New School Student Workers Union (NewSWU) |
Amber Kela Chong, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Ioanna Kourkoulou, UAW 2710 |
Caitlin Blanchfield , UAW 2110 — student workers of columbia |
Zachary Hicks , UAW 2865 |
Matt Hing, UAW 2865 |
Rebecca Morgan , UAW 2320 — NOLSW, Legal Aid Services of Oregon Workers Union |
Ryan H, UAW 2865 |
Zachary Clarence, UAW 2179 |
Emilie S. Tumale, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Tommy George, UAW 5118 — HGSU-UAW |
Megan Riley, UAW 2865 |
Spencer Tilger, UAW 2320 — NOLSW |
Nicolette D’Angelo, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Zho Ragen, UAW 4121 |
Michael Mirer, UAW 2865 |
Harrison S, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Lily Jue Sheng, UAW 2010 |
José G. Miranda, UAW 2320 — IRAP Workers United |
Aida M., UAW 2865 |
Brianna Lavelle , UAW 2865 |
Gray Golding, UAW 2865 |
Kendrick Manymules, UAW 2865 |
Barrett Cortellesi, UAW 259 |
Nils J, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Samyu Comandur, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Jessica Brown , UAW 2110 |
Rachel Fox, UAW 2865 |
Arundhati Velamur , UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Lara Russo, UAW 2325 — Association of Legal said Attorneys |
Matt Daunt, UAW — NYURU |
Johanna Rothe , UAW 2865 |
Frank Hammer, UAW 909 — GM Warren MI |
Bri Reddick, UAW 2865 |
Sarah Dinkelacker , UAW 2110 |
Marini Thorne, UAW 2710 — Student Workers of Columbia |
Pamela Perrimon, GSWOC-UAW — USC |
Marlaina S, UAW 5810 |
Hamsini Sridharan , GSWOC-UAW |
Yi Lin Zhou, UAW 5118 — HGSU-UAW |
Tarang Saluja, UAW Local 2322 — GEO at UMass Amherst |
Charli Muller, UAW 2110 & 7902 — NYU GSOC & New School PTF union ACT-UAW |
Grant Stover, UAW 509 |
Elizabeth Sawyer, UAW 2110 — ACLU |
Or Pansky, UAW 2110 — NYU GSOC |
Robert Carey, UAW 4100 |
Sonia Roubini, UAW 2325 |
Yassaman Rahimi, UAW 2865 |
Sophia Gurulé, UAW 2325 |
Erik Hazard, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Maya Alper, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Daad S., UAW 2325 |
Anthony Stoner, UAW 2865 — Riverside |
Gordon Beeferman, UAW 7902 — NYU |
Anthony M Triola , UAW 2865 — Irvine |
Tausif Noor, UAW 2865 — UAW UC Berkeley |
Brenden Ross, UAW 2320 — LSSA 2320 |
Christopher Geary, UAW 2865 — Berkeley |
Vincent Doehr, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Alexis Aceves Garcia, UAW 2865 |
Mirella Deniz-Zaragoza, UAW 2865 |
Raghvi Bhatia, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Liam Moore, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Meesh Fradkin, UAW 9A — NYU |
Swarnabh Ghosh, UAW 5118 — HGSU-UAW |
Erika Barbosa, UAW 2865 — UCSD |
Alex Jackman, UAW 2325 — ALAA Legal Aid |
Thomas Connell, UAW 2865 — UC San Diego |
Leila M. , UAW 2010 |
Fred DeVeaux, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Melinda Butterfield , UAW 2320 — National Organization of Legal Services Workers |
Rachel Lindy, UAW 2325 — OAD |
Rocio Rivera , UAW 2865 |
Lauren Textor, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Samia Saliba, UAW — GSWOC-USC |
Nadeem Mansour, UAW 2710 |
Ross Hernández , UAW 2865 |
Hannah Kagan-Moore, UAW 2865 — SB |
Marlene G Marte , UAW 2325 |
Jackson Kuklin, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Leonard Butingan, UAW 2865 |
Yair Agmon, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Yulia Gilich, UAW 2865 — UAW 2865 Santa Cruz |
Gabriela Flores, UAW 2865 |
Reema Saad, UAW 2865 — UC Davis |
Alice M., UAW 2320 |
Sabrina Habchi, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Samantha Abbott, UAW 2865 — Davis |
LN, UAW 2865 |
Claire Gavin, UAW 2325 |
Adam Moore, UAW 2865 |
Melina R. , UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Drew Westaway, UAW 182 |
Nathanael Joseph, UAW 2865 — UC Irvine |
Kaylee-Allyssa Roberts Larson, UAW 2865 — UCSC |
Ryan McMillan, UAW 5118 |
Rebecca Waxman, UAW 2865 |
Kathleen Cash , UAW 2320 |
Erin Miller, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Rammy Salem, UAW 2865 — UC Santa Barbara |
Deren Ertas, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Christopher Fasano, UAW 2320 |
Destina Bermejo, UAW 2865 — Merced |
Charles Gelman, UAW 7902 — NYU Adjuncts |
Jessica Peña , UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Sabrina Habchj, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Aaron Benedetti, UAW 2865 |
Caleb Schimke, GSWOC-UAW — USC |
Gabriel Woolls, UAW 2865 |
Tascha Shahriari-Parsa, UAW 5118 |
Alexi Shalom, UAW 2325 |
Jocelyn Yang, UAW 2110 |
Jessie Rubin , UAW Local 2710 — SWC |
Rebecca Wong, UAW 2865 |
Corina Copp, GSWOC-UAW |
Anthony Kim, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Emma Roth, UAW 2324 |
Stewart Stout, UAW 2110 |
Anthony Stoner, UAW 2865 — Riverside |
Willa Smart, UAW 2865 |
Katrina T. , UAW 2110 |
Kerry Keith, UAW 2865 — San Diego |
Evan Lemire, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Tyler P., UAW 2865 |
Khirad Siddiqui, UAW 2865 — Irvine |
Joanna Lee-Brown, UAW 2710 — Student Workers of Columbia |
Ali Blake, UAW — Boston College Graduate Employees Union |
Maya Misra, UAW 2865 |
Marcus Knoke, UAW 5118 — HUWU-UAW |
Natalie Goncharov, UAW 2320 — NOLSW-LSSA |
Lindsey Ortega, UAW 2865 |
Arlo Fosburg, UAW 2865 |
Jenny Lee, UAW 1069 — GETUP-UAW |
Vish Soroushian, UAW 2320 |
Aisha Zaman, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Koby L., UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Sammy Feldblum, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Hannah Walsh , UAW 2325 |
Anna Derby, UAW 2322 — UMass-GEO |
Rui Liu , UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Julian de Gortari, UAW 2865 |
Liana Goff, UAW 2320 — LSSA-Mobilization for Justice shop |
Nadja Eisenberg-Guyot, UAW 4100 — CPU-UAW |
Sachinthya Wagaarachchi, UAW 2865 |
Chandler Hart-McGonigle, UAW 2325 |
Katsyris Rivera Kientz, UAW 1596 — Region 9A |
Dinah Luck, Local 2320 — LSSA (MFJ shop) |
Hanbyul Jenny Kang, UAW 2110 — NYU GSOC |
Yasmine Benabdallah, UAW 2865 — Santa Cruz |
Yosmin Badie, UAW 2325 |
Claire Stottlemyer, UAW 2325 — ALAA Legal Aid NYC |
Roxanne Houman, UAW 2710 |
Nena Hedrick , UAW 2865 — UCSC |
Dana Kopel, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Tatum H. , UAW 2865 |
Denish Jaswal, UAW 5118 |
Kevin schwenkler, UAW 2865 — ucsd graduate student workers |
Jack Davies, UAW 2865 — Santa Cruz |
Rosa Navarro, UAW 2865 — UC Santa Cruz |
Navruz Baum, UAW 2325 — NYLAG |
Fletcher Nickerson, UAW 2865 |
Ben Bieser, UAW 2865 — Irvine |
Leemah Nasrati, UAW 2320 — NOLSW |
Clare Canavan, UAW 5118 |
David Soper, UAW 2865 |
Ali M. Ugurlu, UAW 2710 — SWC |
Maxwell Hellmann , UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Cherí Kruse , UAW 2865 — Berkeley |
Max Greenberg, UAW 2322 — UMass GEO |
Mithra Lehn, UAW 7902 — SENS |
Amelia Spooner, UAW 2710 — Student Workers of Columbia |
K Jacobson, UAW 2865 — UCSD |
Megan Spencer, UAW 2865 |
Natalie May, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Eesha K, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Jackson Tham, UAW 2325 |
Elisabeth Koch, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Sophie Wilkowske , UAW 5118 — Harvard-HGSU |
Rosie Stockton, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Ignacia Lolas Ojeda, UAW 2325 — The Bronx Defenders Union – UAW Local 2325 |
Nastaran Far, UAW 2320 — NOLSW |
Ignacia Lolas Ojeda, UAW 2325 |
Adithya Gungi , UAW 2710 — SWC |
Annie Powers, UAW 2865 — Los Angelea |
Carson Greene, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Sierra E., UAW 2865 |
Shanaz Chowdhury , UAW — LAS |
Joe Riley, UAW 2865 |
Ella Nalepka, UAW 2325 — The Bronx Defenders Union |
Christy A., UAW 2865 |
Jonathan Ben-Menachem, UAW 2710 |
Magally Miranda, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Abby Richburg, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Aaron Katzeman, UAW 2865 |
Claire Valdez, UAW 2110 — Columbia University |
Emily Ortiz , UAW 2865 |
Kyle Galindez, UAW 2865 — Santa Cruz |
Anna Robinson-Sweet, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Sam Heller, UAW 4123 — CSU Academic Student Workers |
Elizabeth Ross, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Sarah Mason, UAW 2865 |
Daniel Owen, UAW 2865 |
Whitney Braunstein, UAW 2325 — The Bronx Defenders Union |
Emily Janakiram, UAW 2110 |
Cameron Foltz, UAW 2710 |
Helen Bolton, UAW 2110 — Center for Reproductive Rights Union |
Kevin Cruz, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Kristy Palomares, UAW 5810 — UC Irvine |
Camila Valdivieso, UAW 2320 — BALAW |
David Klassen, UAW Local 7902 — NYU adjuntcs |
Tony C., UAW 2865 |
Zachory Nowosadzki, UAW 2325 — ALAA |
AP Pierce, UAW 2865 — UC Santa Barbara |
Oliver Lazarus, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Alex Garnick, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Marisa Borreggine, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Heather R., UAW 2865 |
Michael Malloy , UAW 2350 |
Brandon Cunningham , UAW 2320 |
Toby Smith, UAW 2865/5810 — Davis |
Andreas P., UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Jake Orbison, UAW 2865 — Berkeley |
Kelsey Weymouth-Little, UAW 2865 |
Marie Buck, UAW 7902 — NYU—adjuncts |
Kai Nham, UAW 2865 |
Stephanie Martinez, UAW 2865 — San Diego |
Antony Wood, UAW 2865 |
Salima Koshy, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Maritza Geronimo, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Kendall Rallins, UAW 2865 |
Ngozi Harrison, UAW 2865 |
Rachel Himes, UAW 2710 — SWC – Students Workers of Columbia |
Jonah Inserra, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Siddharth J, UAW 2865 |
Fabiola Carranza, UAW 2865 — UC San Diego |
Bailey Plaman, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Olu D. , UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Ja Bulsombut, UAW 2865 |
Jenn DiSanto, UAW 2865 — UCSF GSR |
Aaron Berman, UAW 7902 — SENS-UAW |
Ethan Friedland, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Nora Carroll, UAW 2325 — ALAA (Association of Legal Aid Attorneys) |
Monica Panzarino, UAW 7902 — ACT-UAW |
Emily Janakiram, UAW 2110 |
Christina M Ruiz, UAW 5810 — UC Irvine |
Maren Karlson, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Sunny Chen, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Cesar Bowley Castillo, UAW 2865 — University of California, Los Angeles |
Carol Darleny Larancuent, UAW 2325 |
Gregoria Olson, UAW 2865 — UC Berkeley |
Michael Wasney, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Colin Vanderburg, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Piril Nergis, UAW 509 — USC-GSWOC |
Johannah King-Slutzky, UAW 2710 — Student Workers of Columbia |
Ina Morton, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Bella seppi, UAW Region 6 — UAF-AGWA |
Michael Ernst, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Katrina T. , UAW 2110 |
Sarah Halabe, UAW 2865 |
Andrew Bergman, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
John King, UAW 7902 — ACT-UAW 7902 at NYU |
Semassa Boko, UAW 2865 — UC Irvine |
Daniel Arcand, UAW 2865 — UCSD |
Leonardo Vilchis-Zarate, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Katherine Funes, UAW 2865 |
jaime ding, UAW 2865 |
Alice Wang, UAW 2320 — NOLSW |
Sarah C., UAW 2865 |
Jennifer L., UAW 2110 |
Irene D, UAW 2865 |
Jarred Brewster, UAW 2865 — UCLA GSA |
James Karabin, UAW 2865 — UC Santa Cruz |
Zaynab Mahmood, UAW 2865 |
Kathleen Cash, UAW 2320 |
Sophie Wilkowske, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Grant Leuning, UAW 2865 |
Mariko Whitenack, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Emily Whalen , UAW 2325 — BDS |
Cameron Dunphy , UAW 3520 |
Amed Galo Lopez, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Ramona A., UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Melissa Smyth, UAW 2325 — Neighborhood Defender Service |
Madeleine Roepe, UAW 2865 |
Victoria Tran, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Nabil Hassein, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Ahmed Mitiche, UAW 2710 |
Tamar Ghabin, UAW 2110 — NYU GSOC |
K Persinger, UAW 2865 — Riverside |
Dana Zofia Flicker, UAW 2865 |
Sudipta Saha, UAW 5118 |
Carolin Huang, UAW 2865 — Irvine |
Iris Ramirez , UAW 2865 |
Carol Darleny Larancuent, UAW 2325 |
Paul Brown, UAW 2710 |
Danica Radoshevich , UAW 1596 |
Joanna Lee-Brown, UAW 2710 — Student Workers of Columbia |
Michael O’Brien, UAW 5118 |
Conrad B. , UAW 2325 — The Bronx Defenders Union |
Rurik Asher Baumrin, UAW 2325 |
Natalie Robertson , UAW 2865 — Davis |
Jake Scarponi, UAW 2322 — WPI-GWU |
Kourtney Nham, UAW 2865 |
Noah Pinkham, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Allison Rosen, UAW 509 |
Thalia Ertman, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Noor Al-Sharif, UAW 5810 — UCLA |
Diego Ayala , UAW 2865 — UC Berkeley |
Mason Smith, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Anisa Jackson, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Maggie Davis, UAW — USC |
Adam Cooper, UAW 2865 — San Diego |
Frances H., UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Kira Pratt, UAW 2010 — NYU-GSOC |
Nia Abram, UAW 2110 |
Alex Ferrer, UAW 2865 |
Olivia Ortiz, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
james d sirigotis, UAW 2865 — ucsc |
Ethan Hill, UAW 2865 |
Kirt Mausert, UAW 2865 — UC Berkeley |
Benjamin W., UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Gabriel Flores, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Rebecca M., UAW 2110 |
Akshay Ragupathy , UAW 2710 |
Robin Gabriel , UAW 2865 — UCSC |
Naomi Schachter, UAW 2325 |
Eric Cohn, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Aiza K., UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Marilia Kaisar , UAW 2865 — UCSC |
Brian Allen, UAW 7902 |
Athena G, UAW 2865 |
Johnathon Vargas, UAW 2865 — UCSD |
Samantha Griggs, UAW 2865 — UCR |
Noam Chen-Zion, UAW 2710 |
Bineh Ndefru , UAW 2865 |
Palashi V, UAW 5810 |
michelle chang, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Christopher L., UAW 2865 |
Lauren Palmieri, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Emily Janakiram , UAW 2110 |
Wilson Hammett, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Cooper Lynn, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Naima Karczmar, UAW 2865 |
Rebecca Angela Ruiz, UAW 2865 — UC Irvine ASE |
Jason Butters, UAW 2710 |
Geroline Castillo, UAW 2320 — NOLSW |
Wes Wise, GSWOC-UAW — USC Grad Student Workers |
Da In Choi, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Summer Sloane-Britt, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Francis Galang, UAW 2865 — UC San Diego |
Isik Kaya, UAW 2865 |
Robbie Trocchia , UAW 2865 |
Sasha K., UAW 2865 — UCLA |
William Guerrero, UAW 2865 |
Doga Tekin, UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Matt Schneider, UAW 2865 |
Leslie H., UAW 2865 — UCSB |
Aaron Posner, UAW 7902 |
Cybele Kappos, UAW 2865 |
Michael Buse, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Cristina Awadalla, UAW 2865 — UCSB |
Annika Berry, UAW 2865 — Santa Cruz |
Aviva Galpert, UAW 2325 — ALAA |
Tanvee Trehan, UAW 2320 |
Amanda B Parmer, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Sidrah Marotti, UAW 2865 |
Charlotte Minsky, UAW 5118 |
Jeremy Montano, UAW 2325 — ALAA |
Anna Haynie, GSWOC-UAW — USC |
Josh Turner, UAW 2865 — UC Davis |
Aditi Kini , UAW 2865 — UC San Diego |
Elena Peterman, UAW 2865 — UC Berkeley |
Andrew Brown, UAW 4121 |
Ifeanyi Awachie, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Flavia Maria Lake , UAW 2865 — UCLA |
Vincent Doehr, UAW 2865 |
Rayyan Mikati, ACT-UAW 7902 — Sens-UAW Local 7902 |
Ruwa Alhayek, UAW 2710 — SWC |
Edward Painter, UAW 2865 |
Adithya Gungi, UAW 2710 — SWC |
James Huynh, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Emi B., UAW 2865 — Davis |
Dimitri D., UAW 2865 |
Bryan Ziadie, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Meredith Durbin, UAW 5810 — Berkeley |
Jonah Gray, UAW 2865 — UCSD |
Oya Gursoy, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Zachary Valdez, UAW 2110 — Columbia University Support Staff |
Ellis Garey, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Cathy Román, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Jordan Victorian, UAW 2865 |
Jason Butters, UAW 2710 — SWC |
Isabel Duron, UAW 2865 |
Max Grear, UAW 2710 — SWC |
Peter VanNostrand, UAW 2322 — WPI-GWU |
Susanna Collinson, UAW 2865 |
Aiko Dzikowski, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Nicholas Hu, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Kate Metcalf, UAW 2865 — San Diego |
Caroline Bowman, UAW Region 9A — NYU Researchers United |
Adam Gill, GSWOC-UAW |
Roberta Dousa, UAW 2865 |
Clara Lingle, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
William Sánchez, UAW 2865 |
Aaron Posner, UAW 7902 |
Sarah Z Ahmed , UAW 7902 — NYU Adjuncts Union |
john king, ACT-UAW 7902 — NYU |
Vandhana Ravi, UAW 2865 |
Elsy El Khoury , UAW 4100 — Columbia Postdoctoral Workers |
Edward Berdan, UAW 2865 |
Mehrnush Golriz, UAW 2865 |
Eric Maron, UAW 186 |
Emmy Cantos , UAW 2320 |
Antony Wood, UAW 285 |
Walker Hewitt, UAW 2865 |
Sal Suri , UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Kimberly Yu, UAW 2865 |
Ashley Guzman, UAW 2325 |
Patrick R Forrester, UAW 5118 — HGSU |
Alyssa W., UAW 2865 — UC San Diego |
Nohely Guzman, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
A P, UAW 2110 — NYU GSOC |
Sophia Sambrano, UAW 2850 — Los Angeles |
Isabel Bartholomew, UAW 2865 — UC Irvine |
Paul Werner, UAW 7902 — ACT-UAW NYU |
Madison Bowers, UAW 2320 |
Andrea Lara-Garcia , UAW 2865 — Berkeley |
TJ Shin, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Junho Peter Yoon, UAW Local 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Sakura Price, UAW 2865 |
Burcu Bugu, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Kimberly Soriano, UAW 2865 — UCSB |
Magdalena Donea, UAW 2865 — San Diego |
David Borgonjon, UAW 2710 — SWC |
Ben Berners-Lee, UAW 2865 — UC San Diego |
Lucas Koerner, UAW 5118 |
Sophie Friedman-Pappas, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Calypso Taylor, UAW 2325 — UAW Local 2325 – NDS |
Elliot White, UAW 2865 |
Janel Pineda, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Kelsey Kim, UAW 2865 |
Toly Rinberg, UAW 5118 |
Hala Al Shami, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Miguel Castaneda , UAW 2865 — UC San Diego |
Ana Howe Bukowski, UAW-GSWOC — USC |
Jonathan V., UAW 2865 |
Aman Williams, UAW 2110 — NYU-GSOC |
Peter Racioppo, UAW 2865 — Los Angeles |
Alexia P., UAW 2710 — Student Workers of Columbia |
Sona, NYU Alumni ’23 |
Gladys M. Jiménez-Muñoz, UUP Binghamton University Chapter |
Cami Dominguez |
Diana Filar |
Demetrius Tien, UC Irvine |
Julie Nguyen |
Eric Patel, IWW NYC |
John Wellman |
Louisa Chang |
alexis roberto |
Nezar Eltal |
Xander Percy, Teamsters Local 449 |
Noha |
Colleen Asper |
Eirene Tsolidis Noyce, Australian Services Union Victorian Branch |
Mudassir Mayet |
Sam Karnes, NYU Law Student |
Meera Jaffrey, JVP North Jersey |
Marco de Laforcade |
Rania Kanazi, NYU |
Neil Rudis , RN |
Francesca Altamura, Former UAW Local 2110 member |
Lauren Textor, UAW graduate |
Claudia Benincasa, Past UAW 1596 Member |
Sarah Chaudhry, ALAA |
Jasmin L., Student, 2023 |
Jonathan Tan, OPEIU Local 153 |
Lucas kane , Member of NYC Local 30 |
Ala’ Qadi, Algonquin College Faculty Union, Local 415, Second VP |
Ryan C Taylor |
Clue Quilala |
Clancy Murray, GET-UP UAW |
Babatunde Salaam, IBEW Local 24 |
Elizabeth Tommey , UCLA Alumni |
Amelia Baxter |
John Hammond, PSC-CUNY/AFT |
Evan Sakuma, UC Berkeley TDPS PhD student |
Sam Malabre, UC-AFT Los Angeles Chapter and UAW 2865 (retired membership status) |
Narmin Jivani, NYU Wagner Grad Student & Tutor |
Dave Lindorff, founding editor of ThisCantBeHappening.net |
Adil Hussain |
Tirthankar Ghosh, Philadelphia Federation of Teachers |
Sophie Drukman-Feldstein |
Sofya Aptekar, PSC-CUNY |
Tiana Reid |
Hassan Ahmad |
Vick Baker, NPEU |
Terra Poirier, Non-Regular & Unifor 3000 |
Riddhi S. Patel, environmental and labor justice organizer, Kern County, CA |
Stephen Sheehi |
Farah Khimji, 1199SEIU UHE |
Leandra Williams |
Danielle Gartenberg, Hunter college, Urban Planning |
S.Krauss |
Claire Glass |
Cole Papadopoulos , NPEU, IFPTE 70 |
Giacomo Bianchino, Professional Staff Congress |
Nantina Vgontzas, PSC-CUNY |
Jessica Enriquez |
Ashleigh Wellman |
Mateen Bahai, UCLA SJP |
Marina Aina |
Alia ElKattan, UAW Local 2110 |
Baraa Abu Ghalyoun, SJP Operating Board Member |
Ru Mehendale |
Beezer de Martelly, UAW 2865 alum |
Shreya Chowdhary, University of Michigan GEO |
Sheila Kulkarni, International Delegate, UAW 2865 Santa Barbara |
Lucy Briggs |
Jennifer Austiff, HGSU-UAW, Local 5118 (2023) |
Nate Landry , East Bay DSA |
Hilary Rasch, Training Coordinator, IATSE Local 161 |
Yaheya Quazi |
Paul Rho, Pratt Institute |
Mohammad Shafi |
Raphe Gilliam |
Kyla Mace, GETUP-UAW (pre-certification) |
Rachel Besharah, Unifor 2025 |
Alex Mireles, UAW 2636 |
Timothy Workman, RAWR CWA Local 9415 |
Anna Dang |
Michaela Telfer |
Medha G |
Grace Manalo |
Laura Martin , Former member of UAW 2865, current member of AFT |
Devyn Mañibo |
Emily Bleijerveld |
Taylor |
Rebekah Woelkers |
Olivia Leiter, AFSCME Local 126 |
M.C. Overholt, GET-UP UPenn |
Anthony Lakey |
Jaz Brisack, Workers United Upstate NY & VT (in individual capacity) |
Kari Litteer, NPEU IFPTE Local 70 |
Dan Beeton, NPEU |
Margaret Barbosa |
Sam Jaser, NYU Admin |
Nader Salem |
David Bragin, Jewish Voice for Peace |
Carolina Poveda |
Sally Jane Gellert |
Yazen Nasr |
Jodie Doherty, Labor Advocate |
Omar Simjee |
ARG, Community |
Jacob G. |
Sal Tuszynski, OPEIU Local 153 |
Kelly Tran |
Lara Sheehi |
Marla Hoffman, NYS Court Clerks Association |
MT |
Tayler Hall |
Prahas Rudraraju |
Reno Garcia, UCLA Graduate Student |
Breanne Sparta, UCLA |
Ferris Tseng, Nava United, OPEIU Local 1010 |
Tai-Ge Min |
Shira , MORE / UFT |
Emma Hartung |
Saurav Sarkar, NWU |
Naima Kalra |
Zuri Gordon, NYU |
R. M. Aranda |
Annie Powers |
Jeff Schuhrke, UUP-AFT 2190 |
Sanaa Sayani |
Ghaliah Fakhoury |
Liam Maher, AFT Local 6290 |
Daniella D’Acquisto |
Shaye Skiff, FOE Workers United |
Ryna Workman, NYU Law 2024 |
Conner Glynn |
Ayman Ahmad, SBCC |
A. Ahmed, Communications Workers of America (CWA) |
Elizabeth Tang, IFPTE Local 70 |
Chrysanthemum George, IAMAW Local 4538 |
Paris VanHoozer |
Basma Radwan |
Brett Daniels, Amazon Labor Union, Democratic Reform Caucus |
Amber Chong |
Unions and Community Organizations
National Students for Justice in Palestine |
Rank and File for a Democratic Union (UAW 2865) |
Pan-Arab Decolonial Feminist Collective |
BIPOCanalysis Collective |
Nevada County Mutual Aid |
The Young Democratic Socialists of America at the University of Michigan |
Occupy Bergen County (New Jersey) |
UC Berkeley Graduate Students for Justice in Palestine |
Last Updated October 31, 2023, at 10:00 PM. Signature Order is randomized.