Category Archives: LFP Events

A16: NYC Solidarity With West Coast Blockade of the Israeli Zim Ship

A16: NYC Solidarity With West Coast Blockade of the Israeli Zim Ship

Block the Boat Blue

Please join, repost and forward widely!

To list your organization as an endorser of NYC Solidarity with West Coast Blockade of Israeli ZIM Ship, Saturday, August 16 (below), please reply by return email to

Please also join Block the Boat actions in LA/Long Beach (August 13), Oakland (August 16) and Tacoma/Seattle (August 20).

NYC Solidarity with West Coast Blockade of Israeli ZIM Ship
Saturday, August 16
1:00 PM
Israeli Mission to UN (42nd St and 2nd Ave)

Come out on Saturday, August 16 at 1 PM (42nd & 2nd) in NYC to show your solidarity for this critically important action in Oakland: Join Labor for Palestine, New York City Labor Against the War, Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Jews for Palestinian Right of Return, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, and many others to show support for:

Block the Boat Large

Stop Israel at the Port
Zionism isn’t welcome on our Coast!
West Coast Blockade of the Israeli Zim Ship

Port of Oakland
Saturday, August 16th
Meet at West Oakland Bart and march to Berth 57
Those planning to participate: subscribe to text-alerts and receive live updates about the 8/16 Block the Boat, text “join” to (510) 346-5951.


What’s happening?
The world has watched in horror as Israel has continued to bombard and devastate Gaza. Millions around the globe have come out in support of the Palestinian people and against the Zionist regime, holding massive marches, demonstrations, and actions. Here in the Bay, San Francisco witnessed some of the biggest mobilizations in recent years, with a series of marches, each bringing out thousands of people. It’s time to step it up.

Call to Action
Palestine is calling us to action! Palestinians laborers, Palestinian General Federation Trade Union (PGFTU), have called on workers around the world to refuse to handle Israel goods. Palestinians throughout Gaza, the West Bank and 1948 Palestine have demonstrated their unity in the struggle against Apartheid Israel and have taken to the streets in the tens of thousands, bravely facing Israeli military armed with US made weapons to call on the international community to stand with them as they resist Zionism throughout all of historic Palestine. We will be answering this call by organizing community pickets at the Port of Oakland, asking the longshoreman to honor this request and to stand with the people of Palestine as they have done in the past.

Historical Background
During apartheid in South Africa, ILWU workers made history when they refused to unload South African cargo in San Francisco in 1984. This action was a major catalyst for international anti-apartheid solidarity and struggle worldwide. In 2010, after a Turkish flotilla, the Mavi Marmara, was attacked by Israel for attempting to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza, we built on ILWU’s history and successfully blocked the Israeli Zim ship from being unloaded at the Port of Oakland – the first time in US history an Israeli ship was blocked. We will be continuing this legacy by organizing to block the Israeli ship once again. And just as apartheid fell in South Africa, so too it will fall in Israel!

Sustained BDS in the Bay
If there is one thing that the latest Israeli attacks show, it’s the power of Palestinian resilience. The resistance in Gaza is still alive and thriving, despite Israel’s ongoing attempts to destroy it. But we should always remember that the Palestinian resistance did not begin with Israel’s latest bombardment, nor did it begin during the last bombardment. It has been going on since 1948, since Israel came into existence. And it will not cease until Israeli apartheid falls.

We refuse to allow Israel to conduct its business as usual, here in the Bay and everywhere!

Every Saturday, the Israeli owned Zim shipping line docks and unloads its cargo at the Port of Oakland. Let this action be the beginning of a sustained campaign to stop the Israeli ship from ever unloading in our town.

From Seattle to Oakland to Los Angeles – turn the Israeli ship around!

We encourage all of our allies on the West Coast to join us in ensuring that Zim ships are not welcome anywhere.

Not in Palestine
Not in the Bay
Not Anywhere
Stand Against Zionism Everywhere

Endorsed by:

American Friends Service Committee
American Muslims for Palestine
ANSWER Coalition
Arab Youth Organizing (AYO)
AROC: Arab Resource & Organizing Center
ASATA: Alliance of South Asians Taking Action
Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition
Black Organizing Project (BOP)
Black Organizing Leadership and Dignity (BOLD)
Catalyst Project
CodePink Washington
Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism (CODZ)
Communist Party of San Francisco
Critical Resistance – LA
Critical Resistance – Oakland
Descoloniza a Oakland/Decolonize Oakland
Free Palestine Movement
Freedom Archives
Friends of Deir Ibzi’a
Fuerza Mundial/Pueblos en Movimiento
General Union of Palestine Students – SFSU
Global Women’s Strike
Gray Panthers of San Francisco
Haiti Action Committee
International Action Center
International Jewish Anti Zionist Network
International Socialist Organization
International Tribunal of Conscience for Camilo
ISM-Nor Cal
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Justice for Palestinians
Labor for Palestine
Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
Marcha Patriotica (Colombia) – California chapter
Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA)
National Lawyers Guild SFBA Chapter
NorCal Friends of Sabeel
Occupy SF Action Council
ONYX Organizing Committee
The Palestine-Israel Action Committee
Palestinian Youth Movement
Queers Undermining Israeli Terror
San Francisco Green Party
Socialist Organizer
SOUL: School of Unity and Liberation
Stanford Students for Justice
Students for Justice in Palestine – Cal
Totally Radical Muslims
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
US Committee for the Academic and Cultural Boycott
US Palestinian Community Network
World Can’t Wait Bay Area
Workers World Party
Xicana Moratorium

For more info: | 415-861-7444