Category Archives: LFP Events

Labor for Palestine Protests AFSCME DC 37s Celebration of 60 Years of Israeli Racism and Apartheid – June 4 version (OCR)

Formatted PDF Flyer: 2008.06.05 – Labor for Palestine Protests AFSCME DC 37s Celebration of 60 Years of Israeli Racism and Apartheid – June 4 version

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***Please forward widely and reply with additional organizational endorsements***

Labor for Palestine

Protests AFSCME DC 37’s “Celebration”

of 60 Years of Israeli Racism and Apartheid

Israel was Apartheid South Africa’s Strongest Supporter Israeli Apartheid Today

Emergency Picket

Thursday, June 5, 2008, 4:30-7:30 p.m.

125 Barclay Street (1/2/3/A/C to Chambers, E to WTC, R/W to City Hall)


*An End to the Occupation

*Palestinian Refugees’ Right to Return

*Elimination of Apartheid Throughout Historic Palestine & Equal Rights for All

*No More Labor Support for Israel

*U.S. Out of the Middle East

Sponsored by

New York City Labor Against the War (NYCLAW) *

Endorsed by (list in formation): Al-Awda, The Palestine Right to Return Coalition-NY; Adalah-NY; New Jersey Solidarity – Activists for the

Liberation of Palestine Union Labor Donated – 6.4.08

“We urge international civil society in all its components, particularly institutions and individuals working

in the arts, academia, sport, trade unions, and communities of faith to boycott the ‘Israel at 60’ celebrations

wherever they are held in the world. These celebrations, by definition, insult our history, violate our rights,

and deepen our oppression.” –171 Palestinian trade unions and other organizations, March 30, 2008

“As someone who lived in apartheid South Africa and who has visited Palestine I say with confidence that

Israel is an apartheid state. In fact, I believe that some of Israel’s actions make the actions of South

Africa’s apartheid regime appear pale by comparison.” –Willie Madisha, President, Congress of South African

Trade Unions, June 6, 2006

“We call on all South Africans to establish a strong, forceful and determined boycott and sanctions

campaign against the Israeli apartheid state.” –Congress of South African Trade Unions, July 10, 2006

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” –Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., speaking against the

Vietnam War, November 1967