Category Archives: International Labor

SATAWU condemns the Israeli act of International Piracy

The South African Transport and Allied Workers Union condemns the attack on aid ships launched by the Israeli state. This last act of Israeli state sponsored murder left nine people dead and many others injured.

The attack which took place in international waters is nothing less than an act of international piracy.

The ships were carrying aid to the beleaguered peoples of in Gaza. This attack and Israel’s continued closure of the border has worsened the appalling conditions that those who live in Gaza are forced to endure.

We salute the Swedish dock workers for their blockade of all Israeli ships.

We call for an escalation of the boycott of Israeli goods and call upon our fellow trade unionists not to handle them.

We call upon our members not to allow any Israeli ship to dock or unload in any South African port.

Whilst welcoming the recall of the South African Ambassador to Israel we demand that our government now cut all diplomatic ties with this murderous regime.

We welcome the worldwide condemnation of this act of piracy but note with alarm the failure of the American government once again to take decisive action against Israel.

We condemn and reject their call for an internal enquiry into the events and call upon the American Government to take this opportunity to reverse its support for Israel all other repressive regimes in the Middle East.

We reaffirm our support for Palestinian national sovereignty and demand the immediate withdrawal of Israel from all occupied territory.

Please contact the General Secretary, Zenzo Mahlangu @ 072 613 1332 for further comments.