Category Archives: Gaza

Jewish Community Support for UAW Resolution to Divest from Israel

uaw local 2865Jewish Community Support for UAW Resolution to Divest from Israel

We, the undersigned members of Jewish communities, are writing to express our support for the recent divestment resolution passed by UAW 2865’s Joint Council. (

As Jews, we understand from our own experiences with discrimination and our own history of resistance to oppression that standing on the right side of history necessitates standing in solidarity with Palestinians. For that reason, we are proud to be counted among the growing number of Jews around the world who refuse to turn a blind eye to this issue.

As Israel continues to commit grave human rights violations with impunity, we feel an urgent need at to disrupt Israel’s claim that it speaks for or acts on behalf of all Jews. We feel an obligation to express our solidarity with Palestinians living under a system of legal apartheid, Palestinian refugees and their descendants, as well as our solidarity with the growing majority of people around the world who stand in support of the Palestinian right of return and against Israeli apartheid.

We affirm our right and responsibility as Jews to oppose the State of Israel’s actions and policies that we believe to be unjust. Additionally, we affirm our belief that Israel’s current siege of Gaza in the name of “Jewish safety,” does not make Jews safer in Israel or anywhere in the world. Further, we reject the very idea that safety for some can come at the expense of safety for others.

We support the 2005 call from Palestinian civil society for boycott, divestment and sanctions against the apartheid state of Israel. Therefore, we support the members of UAW 2865 who are voting to divest from corporations that benefit from Israeli occupation and who to support the academic and cultural boycott.

Furthermore, we defend the right of students and graduate student faculty and staff to exercise their free speech and democratic rights to organize a resolution that reflects their commitment to human rights and justice.


International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)
IJAN Labor
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return

Diana Block, California Coalition for Women Prisoners*
Judith Butler, University of Berkeley*
Selma James, Global Women’s Strike and IJAN
Alex Lubin, Professor and Chair American Studies Department University of New Mexico*
Hilton Obenzinger, American Studies, Stanford University Associate Director*
Sam Weinstein, Utility Workers Union of America*

*Affiliation listed for identification only