Category Archives: Gaza

Legality of Boycott and Divestment, Frequently Asked Questions UAW 2865 Campaign (Palestine Solidarity Legal Support)

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Legality of Boycott and Divestment, Frequently Asked Questions
UAW 2865 Campaign, December 2014

Increasing calls for boycott and divestment of Israeli institutions and U.S. companies that profit from the occupation of Palestine have triggered a backlash of threats including the allegation that this principled position is somehow “illegal.” This is part of a concerted campaign of legal repression designed to intimidate and silence critics of Israel. Palestine Solidarity Legal Support (PSLS) documents the escalating legal repression, which has included smear campaigns, frivolous lawsuits, unconstitutional legislative proposals, and other attempts to restrict speech critical of Israel. As members of Local UAW 2865 prepare to vote on a boycott and divestment resolution, it is no surprise that the Union faces baseless legal threats, similar to those leveled against the American Studies Association and student groups.

The following addresses frequent accusations against BDS campaigns. This is general legal information, not specific legal advice. If you have specific questions about your campaign, please contact Palestine Solidarity Legal Support.

Full text: FAQ-on-Legalality-of-Boycott-Divestment_12-2-14-PUBLIC