Pledge to Protect Workers Freedom of Expression (California Nurses Association, CNA UPTE, CWA 9119 CIR/ SEIU)

Original online here.

Pledge to Protect Workers Freedom of Expression

The growing need to protect workers ability to speak up for human rights and against racism is paramount to the tenets of union organizing and as healthcare workers, we advocate and care for communities everywhere. We are in a moment where workers across the country are facing a concerted effort by their employers to repress their voices and their rights. Workers are being heavily scrutinized due to their activism, use of free speech and protesting. 

We are deeply disappointed to see this happening at UCSF, an institution that advertises its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. While the University allows workers to wear insignia in support of certain marginalized communities, organizations, and unions, it is forcing workers to remove watermelon pins, a symbol that represents the Palestinian people. UCSFs demand for workers to remove watermelon pins is a violation of our right to freedom of expression and threatens our ability to stand up for marginalized communities everywhere. If you believe that workers should be protected in their right to free speech and the ability to represent the communities they care for and about please sign this pledge. 

Endorsed by 
California Nurses Association – CNA 
CIR/ SEIU ( committee of interns and residents ) 

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