Monthly Archives: October 2024

UAW International: Drop Israel Bonds (UAW Labor for Palestine)(Downloadable Flyer)

UAW Divest From Genocide

The United Auto Workers International holds over $400,000 in Israel military bonds. Join hundreds of UAW members in demanding they divest.

Our union is a global beacon of solidarity and worker power. We were one of the first major unions to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, and an arms embargo on Israel. Thousands of our Arab members are impacted directly by the genocide. All of us are touched by US policy which has sent $17 billion US tax dollars to Israel this year, all while we lack healthcare, robust free public education. In 1974, workers at UAW local 600 staged a one-day walkout in Dearborn which successfully pushed the IEB to divest from Israel bonds. UAW must again take a clear stand in support of human rights, justice, and our members’ well being. Join the UAW Arab Caucus and UAW Labor for Palestine in calling on the IEB to divest.

Join us in emailing the UAW International Executive Board. Tell them to divest from Israel bonds.

Act Now:

For Lebanon, For Palestine, For US all

من أجل لبنان، من أجل فلسطين، من أجلنا جميعاً

#Labor4Palestine #UAWDivestFromGenocide