Speaking up for worker & Palestine solidarity at a press conference for the #gg26 (1021 Members for Palestine)

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@golgolgolzar from @1021membersforpalestine speaking up for worker & Palestine solidarity at a press conference for the #gg26

Hi, my name is Golzar and I am a part of 1021 members for Palestine, a group with members all over the Bay Area, including right here at 850 Bryant! In addition to being here to demand that DA Jenkins drop the charges against the golden gate 26, I want to share that The courtroom and filing clerks have been without a contract since September 30th.

And, If like me you’ve had to deal with the court system recently, you would know that The SF Courts are poorly managed, and inefficiencies have led to large backlogs in cases. These delays are unjust, and has impacted everyone who interacts with the courts, including those who have committed peaceful civil disobedience, like the golden gate 26.

Thankfully, in negotiations with Court management, SEIU members have been attempting to win changes like more staffing, and better training to make court operations more efficient. The union and management will meet in mediation today, and if a reasonable outcome is not reached, there could be a strike right jhere as early as this week!

The frivolous prosecution of people peacefully protesting the genocide in Palestine is a waste of resources that should otherwise go to stopping this genocide as two thirds of working Americans want, to ensure fair contract to workers like SEIU1021 SF Superior Court clerks working inside 850 Bryant and around the city, and to meet the other needs of our community members.

The golden gate 26 made a righteous demand on 4/15 for an arms embargo to stop the genocide. 1021 members for Palestine stands in steadfast solidarity with the golden gate 26, and all who honor the Palestinian trade unions call to take immediate action against the ongoing genocide. Workers have the power to disrupt the supply chain and end complicity, Let’s be brave, take risks, and support each other whether its at court support, on the streets, or on a strike picket line. I’ll see you all week, and all the time, because none of us are free until all of us are free, and finish this line for me: when people are occupied, resistance is justified!

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