October 7 Email Campaign: UAW, Do the Right Thing – Divest from Israel Bonds Now! (UAW Labor for Palestine)

Original online here. Instagram post here.

UAW IEB: Divest from Israel Bonds Now! Send the UAW IEB a Message Below


I am a UAW member, and I’m reaching out alongside hundreds of other letter signatories to demand that the UAW IEB take an immediate emergency vote to divest from Israel Bonds, which quite literally represents a direct investment in genocide.

The vast majority of people around the world and across the US oppose sending Israel more weapons to genocide Palestine and now Lebanon. As long as the UAW IEB maintains this toxic investment in genocide, members like me do not believe that our union leadership is aligned with human rights, international solidarity, working class liberation, or union democracy.

We need the UAW leadership to take an emergency vote to divest from Israel Bonds!

Read our open letter: tinyurl.com/uawl4pdivestletter

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