Facing Reality 4 Social Justice: Labor for Palestine – an interview (with Sophia Gurulé)
Audio online here and here.

Season 1, Ep. 17•
Thursday, August 29, 2024
The official labor movement in the United States has traditionally been a friend of the state of Israel. But things are starting to change. A new generation of labor leaders and the horrendous attacks on the people and geography of Gaza have started to change the relationship.
In today’s episode of Facing Reality 4 Social Justice we talk to Sophia Gurule, a spokesperson for Labor for Palestine, a rank-and-file group that has been working on its issues since 2004. She is a member of the United Auto Workers Union and a member of UAW Labor for Palestine and New York Labor for Palestine.
After the conversation with Sophia, we’ll have a short excerpt from an 18-hour radio series produced by a coalition called Radio Free Palestine 2008 – Commemorating 60 Years of the Palestinian Nakba. That will be followed by a song – The Unknown War Criminal.