Meta prohibits the mention of Palestine or offering condolences to our Palestinian colleagues (condolences to any other ethnicity is allowed), so we held this vigil outside Meta offices. (META4Employees)

Instagram post here.

Palestinian colleagues (condolences to any other ethnicity is allowed), so we held this vigil outside Meta offices.

We want to thank everyone who came out to support.

🙏🏽Thank you to all our Palestinian colleagues that allowed us to share their families’ stories at this vigil.

🙏🏽Thank you to our Palestinian former colleague Ferras Hamad, for sharing his message on his lawsuit against the discriminatory Palestine exception at Meta.

🙏🏽Thank you to our speakers:
Adnan Rokadia, Imam
Abby Stein, Rabbi
Zelda Montes, NOTA, silenced Google worker
Mohammed El-Dirany, PYM, former Meta worker
Paul Bigger, Tech from Palestine

🙏🏽Thank you to the NOTA comrades that helped us flyer outside the Meta offices.

It was beautiful being in community and we hope it strengthens our resolve to stand firmly with our Palestinian brothers and sisters in every space we hold. We are not free until we are all free. 💚

We believe the internal censorship is a reflection of the external suppression of Palestine on our Meta platforms, and we will not stay silent while the memories of these martyrs are silenced.

If you are a Meta employee and would like to help organize our next event, please contact the hosts of this vigil – Saima Akhter or Ramzi Saud.

#freepalestine #metamutedme

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