AFSCME Local 3399 Solidarity Resolution (Green4Falasteen)

Original online here.

AFSCME Local 3399 is just the latest of many locals that have officially endorsed our resolution. Check out what President Brendan Smith and Member Gordiya have to say about why they’re in support.

Brendan (slide one):

“AFSCME Local 3399 has endorsed the G4F resolution to raise our voices with fellow AFSCME members, as well as our sisters and brothers in unions in Gaza and across the world. We demand an end to the genocide in Gaza and a halt to all U.S. funding to Israel’s racist and discriminatory far-right government.

Human rights have always been a labor issue. Silence is the voice of complicity, so AFSCME International shouldn’t remain silent while thousands of innocent civilians are being bombed and killed in schools, hospitals, and refugee centers in Gaza.

As Martin Luther King Jr. said, ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.’”

Gordiya (slide 2):

“According to a report compiled by Librarians and Archivists with Palestine, as of February 2024, Israel damaged or destroyed at least 16 libraries in Gaza. The report notes that their research is incomplete, as Israel’s bombardment has destroyed infrastructure and targeted archivists, librarians, and journalists.

The library staff who have been killed were all municipal service workers, like myself, serving their community and working to protect and make accessible information and cultural heritage.

As a library worker, union member, and human being, I cannot sit back and stay silent while this genocide, funded by my tax dollars, unfolds. AFSCME must unambiguously condemn and take concrete action against Israel’s genocide. Green 4 Falasteen’s resolution will take us in the right direction.“

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