Monthly Archives: July 2024

@1021membersforpalestine comrade @puchicaarlette shares the news about our @seiu1021 DIVESTMENT RESOLUTION,

Original online here.

@1021membersforpalestine comrade @puchicaarlette shares the news about our @seiu1021 DIVESTMENT RESOLUTION, which passed on July 27, 2024. (Link in bio)

SEIU Local 1021, representing 60,000 workers in Northern California, has resolved to:
● Divest from weapons manufacturers and companies that build technology such as artificial intelligence
(AI) and surveillance technology for military use,
● Divest from private prison companies, immigrant detention companies and border patrol contractors,
● Divest from companies that profit from apartheid, colonization, and ethnic cleansing,
● Divest from the fossil fuel
● Align investments with BDS

If it seems daunting, remember that we are the little drips that make the ripples that build the wave. This resolution came from nothing but grass roots organizing by a small number of passionate working class folx holding each other up with mutual support.

Collective liberation doesn’t always look big, powerful & gratifying. Sometimes it looks like proofreading, wading through bureaucracy, sitting outside board rooms. It also means that when one of us needs to rest, others keep it going.

Ready to build solidarity in your labor union or non-union industry? Check out @bayarealabor4palestine & @bayareadivest in The Bay; @laborforpalestine & @bdsnationalcommittee nationwide. Other SEIU workers- follow @purpleup4palestine to build our movement within SEIU international.

#palestinewillbefree #laborforpalestine #internationalsolidarity #nolaborforgenocide #bds #disclosedivestwewillnotstopwewillnotrest