lofidvar @aftunion gets a FAILING GRADE from rank-and-file education and healthcare workers for rushing the biased and misleading Resolution 30 through the International Relations Committee at #aft2024 while quashing all three substantive anti-apartheid resolutions:
– Resolution 33 from @aft_oregon
– Resolution 34 from @aaupnational Advocacy Local 6741, @uicgeo and @uvmmc_supportstaffunited
– Resolution 36 from Berkeley Federation of Teachers
To recommend we not “turn away and divest from Israel *and* Palestine” when AFT holds a $150,000 bond from the state of Israel, but can’t even invest in Palestine a fraction of the effort they put into anti-apartheid solidarity in South Africa in the 1980s and 90s, is intellectual dishonesty of the highest order.
This is a tremendous failure-by-design and embarrassing betrayal of international labor solidarity, the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, and @workersinpalestine by @randiweingarten and @aftunion
@standing.together.english should be ashamed to be party to such an ineffectual, one-sided, non-resolution.
See the story at @truthout
Updated slide order for clarity