Witch-hunts, Palestine, Academics, Students & The Canary Mission (Labor Video)

Video online here.

There is a growing attack on faculty and students at colleges in the United States who are opposed to the Israeli genocide and the apartheid state of Israel. This panel includes faculty members who have been targeted by the Canary Mission which targets faculty and students at university. Speakers discussed how they were attacked and also the role of trade unions in defending faculty who have come under a political attack campaign by the Canary Mission and supporters of Zionism. Speakers included: Professor Rabab Abdulhadi – SFSU AMED Studies, CFA Member Professor Sang Hea Kil – SJSU CFA SJSU CFA Member Professor Danny Shaw – Formerly John Jay College-CUNY AFT PSC Member Professor Howard Pflanzer – CUNY AFT PSC Member This event was part of Laborfest.net Additional Media: Who Is Funding Canary Mission? Inside the Doxxing Operation -Targeting Anti-Zionist Students and Professors https://www.thenation.com/article/wor… SFSU CFA Pres James Martel On The Fight To Defend Professors Abdulhadi, Kinukawa & The AMED Program    • SFSU CFA Pres James Martel On The Fig…   STOP the Zionist Attacks On Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi & SFSU AMED Program Speak-out At The Quad    • STOP the Zionist Attacks On Dr. Rabab…   The War on Academics and Critics of Israel By Pacifica’s Covid, Race & Democracy https://covidtaskforce.pacifica.org/2… President Mahoney upholds the University’s acceptance of Big Tech’s increasing control over academic discussion, and its complicity with Zionist organizations. https://mondoweiss.net/2021/11/sfsu-p… ZOOM CENSORSHIP OF PALESTINE SEMINARS SPARKS FIGHT OVER ACADEMIC FREEDOM Zoom cited anti-terrorism laws to shut down an event with Palestinian activist Leila Khaled — and other events criticizing its censorship. https://theintercept.com/2020/11/14/z… Zionist Attacks On SFSU AMED Arab & Muslim Ethnicities & Diasporas Program, The CFA & Labor    • Zionist Attacks On SFSU AMED Arab & M…   Labor Video Project www.labormedia.net

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