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Started by NYC Educators for Palestine

We, as rank-and-file members of the UFT and PSC-CUNY,  call on the Teachers’ Retirement System of the City of New York to divest from all Israeli securities. We refuse to have our retirement savings aid, abet, and profit from the genocide in Palestine.

The settler colonial state of Israel’s 75 years of violence, dispossession, human rights abuses, and ethnic cleansing has been well-documented by many UN organizations and international rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. These abuses have intensified exponentially since October 7th, leading to unprecedented levels of death, injury, and displacement. As of early May 2024:

It is in this context of ongoing and escalating genocidal violence, that we, the undersigned rank-and-file members of the UFT and PSC-CUNY heed the call of the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions to demand that TRSNYC, our pension system, divest from all Israeli securities, which are inextricably tied to the genocide against Palestinians. 

As of June 2023, TRSNYC  holds approximately $71 million in Israeli securities, 0.0331% of its entire portfolio. These investments include:

There is substantial precedent for TRSNYC to divest from entities that are complicit in human rights’ violations. TRSNYC voted to divest from Apartheid South Africa in 1985; from gun and ammunition manufacturers in 2013; from private prisons in 2017; and from fossil fuels in 2018. Most recently, in March 2022, NYC Comptroller Brad Lander successfully called for all five of New York City’s public pension systems to divest from Russian securities. He hailed the divestment as an act of solidarity against “a vicious and unjust war [that] continues to be waged on Ukraine, driving deaths, destruction and displacement of civilians.”

We call on the NYC Comptroller and the TRSNYC Board of Trustees to have the same moral clarity today and fully divest our pension system from Israeli securities that are clearly contributing to the death, destruction, and displacement of Palestinian civilians. 

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