Call on Columbia to Respect the Rights of Staff to Partake in Campus Protest for Palestine and Against Genocide!

Columbia University is at the center of international debates regarding the role of U.S. universities in funding the ongoing genocide of Palestinians through financial investments and academic partnerships. We demand that Columbia respect the right of staff to participate in campus-wide mobilizations against the genocide in Palestine alongside students, student workers, and faculty. Email the university now to demand they immediately drop all charges, cease retaliatory investigations into staff, and reinstate all wrongfully terminated individuals who were denied due process simply for speaking out in defense of the Palestinian people!
Associate Vice President Paul Schuchert: (212) 854-7483
Vice President Sara Taylor: (212) 853-4208
Vice President of Human Resources Dan Driscoll: (212) 851-2776
Executive Vice President of Arts & Sciences Amy Hungerford: (212) 854-8296
Executive Vice President Dennis A. Mitchell: (212) 854-7161
Vice Provost Ann D. Thornton: (212) 854-2247
Senior Executive Vice President Gerald M. Rosberg: (212) 854-9967
CALL SCRIPT:Hi, my name is [INSERT YOUR NAME], and I am a [community member / staff / faculty / student / alumni / etc.]. I’m calling to demand that you drop all charges and investigations into university staff for speaking out against the genocide of Palestinians immediately. I further call on you to reinstate all individuals who you wrongfully terminated simply for speaking out in defense of the Palestinian people.
The Columbia community condemns the university’s role in funding the Israeli genocide of Palestinians. University staff have the right to protest against genocide and Columbia’s complicity in their personal time without fearing retaliation in the workplace. Investigations and disciplinary actions taken against staff for protected pro-Palestinian speech are insidious forms of repression. The investigations, suspensions and terminations of staff for speaking out are unacceptable, and any staff facing discipline must be reinstated.
New York, New York