ALL NON-ACADEMIC STUDENT WORKERS AT THE NEW SCHOOL, CHECK YOUR EMAIL TO VOTE TO AUTHORIZE A STRIKE! 📧The violent use of arrest and academic retaliation against our fellow students and workers of the Gaza Solidarity Encampment have urged us to call for a vote to authorize a strike. As The New School continues to stall on recognizing our union, our students exercising their academic freedom are at the whims of asinine retaliatory charges that barr them from being able to work their own jobs.
Enough is enough. We have stood by the Gaza Solidarity Encampment demands as they have stood by our union. We further ask two demands: that the University finally recognize our union, and that they end their cruel retaliation against student workers.
‼️ WORRIED ABOUT GETTING PAID? An independent strike fund has been created to support student workers. It is HIGHLY LIKELY we have enough funds to replace the income of many striking student workers. If the vote passes, this fund will go live and be made available to all of our membership. We will make sure everybody has access to this form, and that we can continue to take care of our most vulnerable members.
✉️ CHECK YOUR INBOX FOR THE LINK TO VOTE from an electionrunner mailing account! If you haven’t gotten the link, reach out to us at newstudentworkersunion@gmail.com.