Dear ALAA UAW 2325 Members,
ALAA UAW 2325 Labor for Palestine writes this email to inform ALAA UAW 2325 members of the decision of the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”) to host a panel tonight about the Israel court system, including speakers who are former Israeli Occupation Forces (“IOF”) members and government officials. ALAA UAW 2325 Labor for Palestine condemns this decision in the strongest terms and demands that NYSBA cancel this event, and we call on New York legal professionals to communicate their alarm over this decision to NYSBA.
It is unthinkable for NYSBA to be cloaking with legitimacy an Israeli court system and government engaged in genocide as we speak.
Please find attached and linked a full press statement and a call and email script for contacting NYSBA. Please also share widely this Instagram post, which links to those materials.
In solidarity,
ALAA UAW 2325 Labor for Palestine