International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
15937 NE Airport Way
Portland, OR 97230
Resolution Against the War in Gaza
WHEREAS, solidarity with workers everywhere is a crucial part of labor unionism, and the
workers’ struggle has no borders; and
WHEREAS, every day now we are seeing the horrifying bombing and massive killing of the
working people of Gaza, and their children, with arms supplied by the same U.S. government that
carries out strikebreaking against workers here, with over 25,000 already killed and the death toll
slated to grow higher day by day; and
WHEREAS, working-class opposition to this U.S./lsrael war goes hand in hand with the labor
motto, “An injury to one is an injury to all” as well as the call, “Arab, Jewish, black and white,
workers of the world unite.”
THEREFORE, be it resolved that IBEW Local 48 suppots the Palestinian trade unions’ call for labor
everywhere to stop the shipment of arms for this U.S./lsrael war; that we salute dock transport
workers in Barcelona, Belgium, Italy and elswhere who have stated their refusal to handle arms
shipments for this war; and that we support and encourage efforts for such workers’ actions here
in the U.S. to stop the arms shipments; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, opposing what is in effect yet another U.S. war, this time against
the people of Gaza, we call for the immediate end to Israel’s bombing of Gaza; Israel out of Gaza
and the West Bank; end all arming and funding for it now.
Resolution approved by the membership of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
(IBEW), Local Union 48 at their regular membership meeting on February 28, 2024
www.ibew48.com tel: 503-256-4848 fax: 503 251 9952 ® ~ 130