Yesterday, in spite of the Oakland school district cancelling their permit with less than 24 hours notice, Bay Area Labor for Palestine held a mass organizing meeting attended by hundreds of union militants and workplace organizers.
The mass meeting included nearly 400 attendees and 10 workshops where organizers and activists could discuss where we are at in building power for solidarity with Palestine in our unions and workplaces and what next steps could look like- from the ballot box, to the streets, to our pension funds!
So many unions and organizations co-sponsored or provided financial support to help order enough food and secure space for all the attendees! @seiu1021, @bftunion1078, @cirseiu, @dsa_sf, @bayareapym, @aroc_bayarea, @oakland_ea, @uaw2865, @ilwu10ywc, @unitededucatorsofsf, @jvpbayarea , @sfbayareaiww, @tjunited_local4 and so many others made this event a success and showed that Bay Area workers stand with Palestine!