Transcript: Labor for Palestine’s National Network, which includes UAW 2325 Labor for Palestine, answers the call from Palestinian Trade Unions and demands that US labor bodies 1.) Demand an immediate end to siege on Gaza and end to military aid to Israel; 2.) Follow the lead of the Block the Boat brigade and ILWU West Coast Dockers and refuse to participate in the manufacturing and transport of weapons destined for Israel; and 3.) Respect the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions picket.
Sophia draws important parallels between Israeli state violence and the violence that our clients, who we defend as public defenders and legal service workers, face here in New York City and the United States.
As part of the Labor for Palestine National Network, UAW 2325 Labor for Palestine will continue to fight for the abolition of the US war machine and prison industrial complex and stand shoulder to shoulder with our Palestinian union siblings in the fight for Palestinian liberation.
From Palestine to Mexico, all the walls have got to go. Palestine will be free.