Bay Area Unions & Thousands of Workers Rally & March for Palestine in Oakland
by Labor Video Project
Sun, Dec 17, 2023 6:55PM
Thousands of workers and unionists from throughout the Bay Area rallied in Oakland against the US supported Israel war on Gaza and the Palestinians. A growing number of unions are breaking from the pro-Zionist leadership including AFL-CIO president Liz Schuler and many of other union heads

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Bay Area Unions & Thousands Of Workers Rally & March For Palestine In Oakland
Over 1,000 trade unionists from around Northern California rallied and marched in Oakland to oppose the genocide in Gaza. It was announced during the rally that despite bureaucratic obstacles SEIU 1021, which has over 50,000 members, had endorsed the rally and resolution.
Unions formally endorsed included AFSCME 3299, OEA, UESF, SEIU 1021, ILWU Local 10, Inland boatmen’s Union SF Region-ILWU, UNITE HERE Local 2, IFPTE Local 21, SF Public Defenders (workers, not union or unit), Stanford Graduate Workers, Trader Joes United (Rockridge), IWW Bay Area, IWW 460-650 – Ecology Center.
National or statewide unions or units (with Bay Area members) that have called for a ceasefire: UAW (international), UAW Local 2865 (statewide), UAW Local 2320, APWU, Starbucks Workers United, California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee, CIR/SEIU (national), Pacific Media Workers Guild NG, SEIU-USWW (statewide), Staff Union of CIR/SEIU (unit of CWA local 1032).
The rally was sponsored by Bay Area Labor for Palestine and there was also another Labor for Palestine rally in New York.
For More Information:
bayarealabor4palestine [at]
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§Thousands of Workers and Trade Unionists Rallied
by Labor Video Project
Sun, Dec 17, 2023 6:55PM

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The rally and march of trade unionists for Palestinians was the largest in the country.
Follow along using the transcript.