We, UAWStaff United, the union of UAW workers in Region 9A, stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and call for an end to the Israeli occupation, the U.S. funding of the Israeli military, and an immediate ceasefire and cessation of the genocide of Palestinians. Though many of us organize for this cause in different capacities, we underline our obligation as unionists and members of the working class to stand steadfast against apartheid and colonialism.
The lists of the dead and missing are staggering. And just as the latest reports and images defy our ability to comprehend the scale of suffering, further violence and despair fan the flames of genocide. As UAW organizers and as human beings of conscience, we must stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people and heed the call of workers in Palestine to urge UAW to sever all ties with the Israeli state, to refuse to supply arms to the Israeli military, to protect the free and democratic speech of all UAW members calling out for justice and a ceasefire, and to endorse Palestinian civil society’s call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel. To stop the conditions that have produced this violence, we must have historical accountability without lapsing into ethical relativism. We must end the siege and occupation to bring peace to both Israeli and Palestinian workers. This begins with our own complicity as a union.
Historically, leaders of the U.S. labor movement have not only aided and abetted the illegal settlement of Palestinian territory and displacement of Palestinians, they have also suppressed the voices of their own members who sought to stand in solidarity against injustice. As staff organizers, we serve as the bridge of accountability between UAW members and UAW international leadership. The leaders of the U.S. labor movement have failed and continue to fail the Palestinian people even as the international community all-too-slowly comes to recognize the war crimes and unlawful occupation committed by the Israeli government and as the majority of Americans call for a ceasefire and withdrawal. But even more importantly, the Palestinian people call out for our solidarity amidst the fire and blood. We do not have to look on in passive complicity as an entire population is destroyed: Palestinian Trade Unionists have made an urgent and dire call for solidarity with explicit demands and instructions. The American Postal Workers Union has called for a ceasefire, and trade unions from Barcelona to Belgium have refused to transport arms to Israel. How can we claim to stand for justice if we pretend not to hear the cries of the most oppressed? If our power comes from our solidarity, who are we if we withhold that solidarity from those most in need?
These are undeniably historic times for the UAW, returning the U.S. labor movement to its roots and revitalizing member-led direct action to achieve justice and equality for all. Now is the time to use that historic momentum and stand up for what is right.
We call on the UAW to commit to the following actions:
1. Endorse and implement the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions call from Palestinian Civil Society;
2. End all forms of complicity with the Israeli military apparatus, be it through financial ties or the direct production and transport of weaponry, as called for by Palestinian Trade Unionists;
3. Protect the free and democratic speech of UAW locals and members voicing support for the Palestinian people.
As we pressure the UAW to stand for justice for the international working class, we encourage members to take action. You can find self-organized contingents of UAW members, as well as USU members, at many Palestinian solidarity actions. Feel free to reach out if you would like to get involved but do not know where to begin; as a start, you might attend actions being organized by groups such as Within Our Lifetime and Palestinian Youth Movement.
If you are in need of legal assistance related to free speech or protest on this issue, we encourage you to reach out to Palestine Legal.