Monthly Archives: January 2009

Oakland Education Association Condemns Israeli Assault On Gaza And Role Of US Government

The Oakland Education Association which represents the teachers in Oakland, California has passed a strong resolution protesting the Israeli attack on the people of Gaza and the role of the US in supporting these assaults.

Oakland Education Association Condemns Israeli Assault On Gaza And Role Of US Government

The OEA unreservedly condemn the murderous Israeli assault on Gaza, their deliberate targeting of the civilian population, including schools and hospitals, and Israels ongoing collective punishment of the Palestinian people which has been carried out with the strong support of the U.S. government. We support the Right to Return and call for the establishment of a bi-national secular state in Israel-Palestine. In line with this motion, we encourage teachers to open their classrooms to discussion and teaching on the crisis in Gaza.

Oakland Education Association
272 E 12th St
Oakland, CA 94606