Statement for Detroit Labor Committee for Peace & Justice

August 2002

Statement for Detroit Labor Committee for Peace & Justice

We are labor union members, officers, stewards and/or retirees. We are opposed to the aggressive military policy our government is waging in response to September 11.

We condemn the horrific terrorist attack on September 11. Yet, the war in Afghanistan has brought further suffering to already impoverished innocent civilians. We therefore oppose the expansion of the War on Terror to include military action in Iraq, the Philippines or any other country. We oppose our government’s military, economic and political role in supporting Israel’s attacks on the Palestinian people.

We also do not wish any harm to come to American troops, the majority of whom are workers. The interests of working people are not served by war. The current foreign policy of our government has more to do with expanding US military presence and protecting corporate interests. And the current domestic policy sweeps the urgent needs of working and poor people under the rug, while enriching defense contractors and big business generally.

For this reason we oppose draining essential public programs as education, health care and the social security trust for a massive giveaway of tax dollars to wealthy corporations under the guise of national security and economic stimulus. Stimulating the economy and combating unemployment must happen through a program of public works, including the construction of schools, hospitals and a national rail system. The problems of poverty, unemployment, and social injustice in cities like Detroit must be addressed in any economic stimulus program.

We oppose the Patriot Act which is curtailing our civil liberties. We also oppose the disgraceful roundup and imprisonment of Arab Americans in Michigan and throughout the country.

We demand that all workers be allowed to join a union. We will support solidarity amongst all workers in the US (including illegal immigrants working to make a living) and workers in other countries.

We believe in peace and social justice.

Therefore, the undersigned workers commit to:

*OPPOSING THE WAR. Instead, we call for global social and economic justice.

*OPPOSING ECONOMIC AID FOR THE CORPORATIONS. The government must stimulate the economy by addressing the needs of all workers and unemployed. We will fight to raise living standards for all workers.

*OPPOSING RACISM AND THE ATTACK ON CIVIL LIBERTIES. Racial profiling, legal restrictions against people of color and immigrants must stop. Our democratic rights to make a living must be defended.

Statement initiated by the Detroit Labor Committee for Peace & Justice

Al Benchich, President, UAW Local 909
Julia & John Brabenec, Detroit Typographical Union # 18
William Brabanec, DTU #18/CWA 14503
Tom Brown, UAW Local 600
Les Caulford, President, USWA Local 1900
Neil Chacker, retiree, UAW Local 1700
Al Cholger, PACE staff
Emily Citkowski, TDU
Congressman John Conyers, former member, UAW Local 900
Hemant Damle, TDU
Kate DeSmet, former officer, Local 22, Detroit Newspaper Guild
Jeff Ditz, UAW Local 2200
Emily Everett, Newspaper Guild
Edith Faller, ACOSS
Nick Faller, retiree, GCIU Local 13
Dianne Feeley, UAW Local 235
Paul Felton, Editor and Steward, 480-481 Area Local APWU
Alan Forsyth, The Newspaper Guild
Robert M. Frumkin, retiree, MFT
Marisela Garcia, UAW Local 2200
Martha Gruelle, CWA
Margaret Guttshall, National Writers Union/UAW Local 1981
Ron Halstead, Council Member, UAW Local 6000
Elena Herrada, RWDSU Local 1064
Committee for the Political Resurrection of Detroit (CPR)
Alex Hogan, National Substitute Teachers Alliance
Kim Hunter, former member NABET
Barbara Ingalls, DTU Local 18
Freddie Jenkins, Steward, RWDSU Local 1064
John Joslin, IBEW
Mille Kenyon, Secretary, RWDSU Local 1064
Marion Kramer, President, National Welfare Rights Union
Chris Kutalik, The Newspaper Guild
Jessica Labumbard, UAW Local 2200
Peter Landon, IBT Local 299
Ron Lare, UAW Local 600 Guide
Kevin Mackey, IBEW Local 58
John Martinez, Editor, UAW Local 22
Malcolm Marts, Election Committee Chair & Former President, UAW Local 1976
Dan McCarthy, Organizer, USWA District 2
John McLaughlin, Executive Committee, United Association of Labor Educators
Karen Miller, AFT/GEO 3550
Kyle Moxley, IBT Local 299
Dennis Nazelli, Secretary-Treasurer, IBT Local 372
Armand Nevers, retired, DTU Local 18
Hal Nixon, UWUA Local 223
Ken Paff, TDU
Michael Parker, UAW Local 1700
Dia Pearce, Community Service & Political Director, HERE Local 24
Cheryl Peck, UAW Local 1981
Jim Pita, Chair, Community Services Committee, IUOE Local 547
Jason Priest, UAW Local 600
Carl Reinstein, retiree, UAW Local 174
Teófilo Reyes, CWA, Writer’s Guild
Juscha Robinson, AFT/GEO
Deb Ruiz, Trustee, UAW Local 6000
Steve Saelzer, UAW Local 372
Martin Schreader, National Production Workers Union, Local 707
Fran Shor, AAUP/AFT Bargaining Council
Gregg Shotwell, Convention Delegate, UAW Local 2151
Matt Siegfriend, UFCW Local 876
Charles Simmons, steward, AAUP, and CPR
Jane Slaughter, UAW Local 981
Brenda Smith, The Newspaper Guild/CWA and CPR
Lasker Smith, Editor, Retiree News, UAW Region 1A
David Sole, President, UAW Local 2334
Peter Solenberger, UAW Local 1981
Clarice Squillace, retiree, UAW Local 909
Dave Staiger, Detroit Federation of Teachers
Sam Stark, P.R. Staff, UAW
Harold Stokes, retiree, AFT Local 1650
Wendy Thompson, President, UAW Local 235
Laurie Townsend-Benchich, Officer, UAW Local 2200
Jenifer Van Proeyen, UAW/Graphic Arts Guild
George Waldman, NWU/UAW
Brett Ward, UAW Local 1700
Steven Waskul, UAW Local 140
Peter Werbe, AFTRA
Jim West, The Newspaper Guild/CWA
Mike Whitty, MEA/NEA
Judy Wraight, UAW Local 600 Tool & Die Exec. Bd. and General Council
Liza Zador, The Newspaper Guild/CWA

(Labor affiliation for identification purposes only)

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