Category Archives: Connecticut AFL-CIO

One of the First State Union Federations to Talk about Boycott of Israel (Connecticut AFL-CIO)(TSVN)

One of the First State Union Federations to Talk about Boycott of Israel (Connecticut AFL-CIO)

Screenshot 2015-11-04 21.33.16

Published on Oct 29, 2015

John Olsen, who led the 200,000 member Connecticut State American Federation of Labor – Congress of Industrial Organizations for decades speaks at the Tree of Life conference in Old Lyme, Connecticut about plans to offer a resolution to call on the national AFL-CIO to support BDS (Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions) of Israel for its mistreatment of Palestinians. Oct 19, 2015. Olsen was in Palestine in September 2015 and was shocked at the 30,000 Palestinian workers who have to get up a 2 a.m. in the morning each day to wait for hours before they’re allowed in Israel to go to work.