It’s time to break the bonds of apartheid and genocide! U.S. investments in Israel Bonds have funded decades of occupation and military aggression against the Palestinian people. These financial instruments prop up a system of genocide and apartheid—and it’s our responsibility to disrupt it. By organizing for cities, counties, states, and institutions like unions to divest from Israel Bonds, we can strike at the heart of the financial machinery that fuels oppression. Together, we’ll explore the power of collective resistance and strategic divestment campaigns that have the potential to shake the foundations of apartheid’s economic support. Join us to learn about the campaign’s objectives, strategies, and the broader implications of divesting from Israel Bonds! Join us to learn how to support existing campaigns and start your own! This webinar, the final in USCPR’s Community Divestment Series, will feature speakers from the South Florida Break the Bonds campaign & national network and UAW Labor for Palestine’s Divest from Israel Bonds campaign. Join us, and get inspired by and plug into Break the Bonds campaigning! Accessibility: CART captioning and ASL interpretation will be provided. |