NYC: Israel’s Arms Hub for Genocide (Palestinian Youth Movement)

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As the U.S. government manufactures lie after lie about working to end the genocide in Gaza, it continues to ramp up its funding of arms supplies to the Zionist state—with its main export site only mere miles away from our homes in NYC.

More than $497 million dollars worth of arms shipments have travelled from the JFK Airport to Israel in the last 9 months alone, steadily supplying the Zionist death machine with all it needs to continue its mass murder of our people in Gaza.

Arms exports have increased over 15 TIMES OVER since 2018, with the majority of the increase starting in October 2023. Since last fall, monthly profit from arms exports to Israel skyrocketed from $4.5 million/month to $67 million/month.

We live in the midst of the top investors of Israel’s genocide. From the shipping and logistics company Maersk to CitiBank and Goldman Sachs, corporations making profit off the blood of our martyrs are all around us in NYC and north New Jersey. Our research underscores the violence underlying everyday life in the belly of the beast. The trucks passing us on the road to school and to work each day, are carrying supplies used to kill our people. The schools we attend are holding investment meetings and cutting checks with the genocide’s architects in the same buildings where we register for and attend our classes.

The demand for an arms embargo is neither distant from our everyday lives, nor abstract in character. Its simplicity and feasibility are a reflection of the context in which we live and the power dynamics that the ruling class are invested in concealing from us.


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